Do you start your day with clarity and focus? The way you start your morning sets the tone for your entire day. Picture this: you hit snooze one time too many and are scrambling to get out the door. You are already starting the day impatient and with a negative mindset. Somehow, ...
mindful living
5 Ways to Create a Relaxing Space at Home
I think we can all agree that this world can be stressful at times. Amidst the hard work, everything we see on the news, and making sure our family and friends are happy and healthy, it is important to take the time to relax. Everyone should have a space they can call and make their own that ...
How to Catch Your Breath When Life Gets Crazy
Do you feel like you are constantly chasing your tail with everything on your to-do list? Life seems to have a way of throwing at least a million things at you at once, and the result can be stress, burnout, anxiety, a lack of sleep, and many other things that negatively affect you. When was ...