A well-rounded exercise plan is essential for nourishing all aspects of your body. It is one thing to do movements that benefit your body, but activities accompanied by care for the mind and soul are even better. Self-care can be done during your active hours of the day. Here are some ...
balanced life
Why You Should Take Yourself on a Solo Date as Self-Care
Your relationship with yourself is one of the most important things to nurture. Work, friends, and other daily priorities can get in the way of your self-care time. Spending quality time with yourself gives you the opportunity to explore who you are and catch up with your mind, body, and ...
Find Your Zen: How CBD Can Help You Live Your Best Life
Finding peace amidst the daily hustle can be difficult. Between your workload, personal life, and other priorities, it’s challenging to have a Zen mindset. Different people will have different ways of achieving the latter, but in today’s post, our focus is using CBD. Up to this day, ...
What Are the Different Types of Wellness?
Wellness refers to your overall physical and mental state. Maintaining your wellness is a balancing act between different dimensions or types of wellness. If you’re unwell in one area of wellness, it can affect all other areas of your life. So, it’s important to know about different types ...
6 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Day
What is Mindfulness? The practice of mindfulness is not just for monks and spiritual people. Actually many people incorporate mindfulness into their daily routines. It's a mental technique that can be incorporated into anyone's daily life to improve their health, relationships, and ...
6 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
6 Healthy New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep When a new year rolls around, it seems like the perfect time for a “new year, new me” mentality by setting new year’s resolutions. Especially after the ups and downs, the past two years have seen us through, undergoing a lifestyle change ...