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How to practice self-love?
Self-love is so important for your mental and physical well-being.
When you truly take the time to understand and love yourself, you become happier and more confident.
Some additional benefits of self-love are that it helps you to have healthier relationships and love others better, you will become more satisfied with your life, and also become more passionate about the work you are meant to do in the world.
After all, like the self-love quote goes, “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.”
But, even though we all know the importance of self-love, it can be hard to practice especially on a daily basis.
Practicing self-love is not hard but it is a habit that needs to be practiced consistently.
30 Ways on How to Practice Self-Love
1. Learn to say no to things that don’t serve you
Are you the type of person that says yes to everything even though you don’t have the time and it stresses you out?
Well, it is time to start saying no.
If you don’t have time to do something or maybe you just really don’t want to do it then it’s okay to say no.
If the person truly cares about you they will respect your decision.
Your happiness is important and your time is valuable so choose to only do things you truly want to do.
2. Talk to yourself only with love and respect
Always talk to yourself in a positive way.
It’s so important to not doubt yourself and to stop constantly putting yourself down because then you would truly start to believe those words.
Look yourself in the mirror and tell yourself you are beautiful and you are worthy.
3. Distance yourself or let go of negative relationships
If there is a toxic person in your life who is constantly negative or they are always putting you down in some way then it is time to either distance yourself or just let go of that relationship.
Surround yourself only with positive and happy people and people who make you want to be better.
4. Make time for the things you love
Sometimes we get so caught up in everyday life that we don’t take the time to do the things we truly love.
It is so important to make time for hobbies that you enjoy.
You work hard and deserve to do the things you genuinely enjoy.
So, make time for it even if it is 30 minutes a day and you will notice how much happier you will feel.
5. Let go of the past
Maybe you made a mistake in the past or you are holding on to some regrets.
It is time to work on letting it go, forgive yourself, and move on.
You can’t change the past but you can focus and work on your present and future.
Take the mistake as a lesson learned.
6. Love your body
We all have so many body insecurities.
But, have you ever taken a moment to be grateful for what your body does on a daily basis?
Learn to love your body, appreciate what it does for you, and take care of it every single day.
For example, if you need to replace missing teeth, check out these dental implants in Roseville. If you feel burned out take a breather or seek help from a professional therapist. Don’t ignore your body, keep it healthy.
7. Try a new healthy recipe
I just talked about loving your body and one of the greatest ways you can do that is by feeding your body with nutritious and healthy foods.
So, why not try some new healthy recipes at home. Put on some music and enjoy making a delicious and healthy dish.
8. Celebrate the little wins
Don’t wait for something huge to happen to celebrate.
Celebrate every single little win.
This is guaranteed to boost your confidence and make you feel happy about your goals.
9. Practice self-love affirmations
When you feel sad or down about yourself, practice these self-love affirmations to help your mindset.
10. Schedule Self-Love Days to Pamper Yourself
Sometimes you just need a day where you binge-watch TV with your favorite shows, take a bubble bath, eat your favorite foods, or even have ice cream.
Take this day as your “me” time or “mental health day” and do yourself a favor and don’t feel guilty about it.
11. Have a healthy sleep routine
Making sure you get 8 hours of well-rested sleep is an amazing way to practice self-love.
When you wake up feeling well-rested and refreshed, you will feel more confident and your body and mind will be very happy.
12. Declutter your home and workspace
Your environment has a direct impact on your mindset, creativity, and productivity.
In your home, get rid of objects that you no longer use. Clean out your closet and donate or even sell the clothes that you haven’t worn in at least 8 months.
Clean up your workspace by getting rid of papers you don’t need, organizing with office supplies, and having a neat desk will help with your mindset and productivity so much, trust me!
13. Take a walk outside
It is so important for your health to get outside every day.
It is recommended to get at least 10-30 minutes of sunlight several times per week because our bodies need vitamin D and the sun is the best and most natural source of that.
Also, just taking time to be in nature and breath in the fresh air is so refreshing for your soul.
Related Reads:
- How to Create a Daily Self-Care Routine
- 10 Ways to Stay Positive Around Negative People
- Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection
- 10 Ways to Invest in Yourself Today
14. Plan a day or weekend getaway
Take some time to yourself outside of your own environment by going somewhere new or even planning a spa day.
Take this time to be in your thoughts and truly enjoy your own company.
15. Learn or try something new
Get out of your comfort zone and learn or try something new that you have put off for a long time.
This will help you get over your fears, learn about yourself, and gain more confidence.
16. Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself to others can destroy your self-esteem and self-worth.
Always remember you are unique and one of a kind.
There is no one like you.
You are special and everyone has their own story and journey.
17. Set goals for yourself
Want to live your best life?
Well, set those goals, work towards them, accomplish them, and live your dream life.
Setting goals and having a vision of what you want will help you to feel amazing about yourself and confident.
18. Meditate
Meditation helps to increase awareness of yourself, train your mind to focus and concentrate, helps you to sleep better, reduce anxiety, and overall makes you happier.
Meditation is really a life changer.
19. Clean up your social media accounts
Make it a habit to go through social media and unfollow accounts that are filled with negativity or that don’t make you feel good about yourself.
You want to follow people who are positive and make you feel good after you come off the app.
20. Practice gratitude and appreciate the little things in your life
I talk about this all the time, it is so important to take time and practice gratitude every single day.
No matter what happens in life or how dark your days may seem there is always something to be grateful for.
Appreciate the little things in your life.
21. Journal
Journaling can impact your life in so many ways.
It helps with clarity, increases mindfulness, and a great way to take time for yourself to get all your thoughts, fears, and feelings out.
22. Get a massage or reflexology
To me, nothing feels better than a massage or reflexology session.
It is a great way to loosen your muscles, increase circulation, and get rid of toxins in your body.
It is one of the best ways to relieve stress and relax!
23. Exercise/Practice Yoga
Exercising and/or practicing yoga is a great way to take care of your mind, body, and soul.
Aim to move your body every day even if it is 20 minutes a day.
24. Limit your phone usage
Setting limits on your phone usage or putting your phone in another room is a great way to become mindful of yourself and your surroundings.
We get so wrapped up on our phones all the time that life is just passing us by.
Take the time to live in the moment.
25. Stay hydrated and drink lots of water
Drinking water helps with your body functions in so many ways.
Take care of your body and make sure to stay hydrated every day.

26. Make a list of things you love about yourself
Grab a pen and paper or the note app on your phone and write down 10 things you love about yourself right now.
Read it every day and keep adding to the list.
Always choose to focus on the things you love about yourself, remember you are unique.
Love yourself unconditionally.
27. Learn to stop pleasing everyone
You can’t please everyone, plain and simple.
There will always be haters, people that don’t agree with you, and people who are never satisfied no matter what.
So, take care of your mental sanity and don’t thrive to please everyone because it isn’t possible.
28. Read a book
Taking time to yourself to read a book is a great way to spend time with yourself, increase your knowledge, and reduce stress.
29. Drink a cup of tea and watch the sunset
Grab a cup of tea and find a place to sit and watch the sunset.
It is a great way to take time to self-reflect, enjoy quiet moments, and take in the beauty of nature around you.
30. Be aware of your posture
You may not have been expecting this one but being aware of your posture is SO important for your body.
Take it from someone who has chronic back problems.
These days we spend a lot of time sitting down on the computer so taking the time to adjust your posture, take a walk, and recognize when you are slumped over will help your health in the long run.
Final Thoughts
I hope you enjoyed this list of ways on how to practice self-love.
Make it a priority to practice self-love daily and you will see how much happier and more confident you are.
Do you practice self-love on a daily basis? Let me know in the comments below!

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

These are really fantastic ways to practice self love. I already do a few of the ones on here but you’ve sure given me plenty more to try. Thank you!
Yay glad you found some more you can try from this list. Thanks Jenna!
I DO absolutely practice self-love, daily. My daily practices are yoga, meditation, and usually journaling…as well as a daily discipline of very intentional social media use. My accounts are pretty well cleaned up after a year of doing just that; plus, I almost never scroll my newsfeed and so the algorithms don’t get me sucked into the negativity spiral. At least once a week I engage in hot oil self-massage and when I can, I invest in a 90-minute professional massage. These things and more have truly transformed my life.
I’m so happy to hear about your practice of self-love, Hannah. And I love that you never scroll on social media it sure can suck you in. You can definitely inspire others! ❤️
These are great ideas for practicing self love. I really should do more of these, such as taking some me time, or even just telling myself affirmations each morning
Thank you, Sydney! And yes you deserve it! 💖
Such a great post! I need to hang this on my mirror to remember to do these things more often
Thanks Stephanie!! 💖
This is a great list. My favorite is learning how to say no. My life became so much easier when I realized that No is a full sentence.
Thank you, Sabrina! I agree it takes a lot to say it but sometimes you really have to for your own sanity.
Great tips and advice for finding ways to making self-love important in our lives!
Thank you Holly!! ❤️
I need a massage and to declutter my work space
You should do it! You deserve it! 😊
All the above are so important and we are deserving and worth taking the time to love ourselves always! Great affirmations!
Yes exactly! Thanks Jill!💖
Love this list! Self care is underrated!
Sure is! Thanks Debbie 😊
These are all great, but #1 and #23 speak to me the most.
Glad you like them Alexis!
Wow this is a great list! I like to take one and run with it!
Yay, awesome! Please do!
Great list. I’d kill for a massage or reflexology right now, but with the pandemic, I can’t get either. So I’ve been doing several of the others on this list. 🙂
Thanks Chelsea!! ❤️ I’m glad you are still implementing other self-love practices even with stuff limited lately!
Such awesome tips. I think so many people benefit from saying no more often and not feeling guilty about it. I need to remember to take walks when I’m feeling down more. It really is a great way to give yourself some uplifting care.
I agree with that 100%!
These are all great tips – love the focus back on posture – it really does make a difference in my attitude!
Sure does! Glad you enjoyed these tips Tiffany! 😊
I really need to work on this. Thanks for all of the amazing suggestions!
Anytime 🙂 Thank you Melissa!!
Really great post! I appreciate your wisdom!
🥰 Thanks Barbara!!
These are such life changing things to do. Even doing only one or two really changes how you interact with the world.
I agree Cindy!
Love it! I turned 40 last year and I have made a promise to myself : taking care of me. I read, I do the things I love, I exercise more, eat better and take car of my skin. Thank you for sharing these tips! I still need to learn to say no. This one is probably the hardest for me.
Yes Cecile! I’m so happy you made that promise to yourself, you definitely deserve it! ❤️
I love the suggestion of decluttering your workspace. I’m going to practice this one today. So easy and it does make me feel at peace. Great suggestions!
Thanks Kristin!
Awesome ideas! I’m working on getting more sleep, but I did declutter my desk to make room for a nook just for me!
Oh nice Marianne!
What a great list! I find that practicing some of these every day can make a huge difference in your overall happiness. It’s so important not to wait until you’re at the end of your rope to start taking care of yourself.
I so agree with that Elizabeth! The best time to start is now!
I have been bad about practicing self love lately, so this post is a great reminder for me! There are a lot of great suggestions here that I should incorporate more into my life. Making time for myself and the things I love, decluttering, and reducing my phone usage especially jump out to me!
I’m glad to hear this post helps Sarah! ❤️
Wow – such an extensive list of suggestions! For me, the first 5 are *so* needed and difficult. Letting go of past regrets is huge; that’s something I truly struggle with.
I know it is definitely hard to do. Take it day by day, you got this! ❤️
These are excellent suggestions! I value self love and care. And I try to do a getaway weekend once a year. So wonderful!
That sounds amazing!
Wonderful article Michelle, I practice meditation, yoga , journaling and trying out a new recipe every week and it’s so satisfying. Currently preparing for the “ traveling aspect “ of my life.
Thank you Rianna!! And I love that you practice all of those! How grounding!