Whether employed by a company or yourself, you spend much more time at work than doing anything else. It makes sense to make this significant part of your life as healthy and fulfilling as possible. You’ve got to do the hours, so make the most of them by practicing wellness habits that will enrich ...
Why Mental Health Starts in Your Gut
Have you ever felt like your brain and stomach are secretly plotting against you? For the most part, there’s that twisty, churny feeling when you’re stressed or that punch-in-the-gut sensation when something goes wrong. It’s not all in your head, your gut and brain are constantly “chatting”, and ...
Discover 9 Effective Ways to Relieve Joint Pain Naturally
Joint pain can be very painful and difficult to manage as joint pain impacts your life every single day on multiple levels. Some pain in the joints can cause mild inconveniences during small tasks, but they can also lead to chronic pain that causes a major disruption in your day-to-day life. ...
Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System This Winter
Though winter is full of festivities and new beginnings, it can also be a time of increased vulnerability to illness. As you navigate the hustle and bustle of the colder months, it’s essential to prioritize your wellness. Fortunately, there are natural ways to boost your body’s defenses and stay ...
Hygge Your Way Through Winter with These Nordic Wellness Lifestyle Tips
The Nordic countries are home to nature’s sublime panoramas, like deep fjords, wintry landscapes, mystical glaciers, and those epic, ever-changing northern lights. However, their appeal doesn't stop at this breathtaking grandeur. Nordic wellness lifestyles also hold the equal allure, ...
Winter Skincare: How to Stay Moisturized All Season
It’s important to take care of your skin all year round for your confidence and health. Winter is a particularly tricky season due to the extreme temperatures that leave your face, body, and lips looking and feeling parched. Luckily, there are a few tips to help you stay moisturized. 1. Clear ...