There is something about music that just speaks to people. Whether you’re into rock, pop, classic, jazz or heavy metal, it’s a universal language that everyone can understand. While most things in life are diverse, a love for music and song doesn’t tend to be one of them and it is something that can ...
Always Feeling Sick? 10 Unexpected Things That Harm Your Health
When your throat starts to itch or your stomach gurgles uncomfortably, it typically ruins the day. You’ll have to reschedule things you were looking forward to if you feel sick and don’t want to spread germs to others. The good news is that your symptoms might not always indicate you have a virus. ...
How to Foster Your Social Wellness This Year
Your social life means more than just going out and having fun on the weekends. Close bonds with family and friends are key to maintaining your mental health. Having good social wellness can help you further your career, develop lifelong friendships and have a sense of fulfillment. Here are ...
Simple and Effective Ways to Detox Your Body from Modern Toxins
Many people talk about diet and exercise. But in the 21st century, those are often the least of our concerns. Yes, there are problems with obesity and chronic disease, but the toxicity of the environment is another significant issue. Industrial production means that a lot of people are breathing in ...
7 Wellness Habits to Practice at Work This Year
Whether employed by a company or yourself, you spend much more time at work than doing anything else. It makes sense to make this significant part of your life as healthy and fulfilling as possible. You’ve got to do the hours, so make the most of them by practicing wellness habits that will enrich ...
Why Mental Health Starts in Your Gut
Have you ever felt like your brain and stomach are secretly plotting against you? For the most part, there’s that twisty, churny feeling when you’re stressed or that punch-in-the-gut sensation when something goes wrong. It’s not all in your head, your gut and brain are constantly “chatting”, and ...