We’re all busy, and for many of us, wellness practices like meditation are one of those things that we intend to get to at some point. Except that point just keeps on moving further and further into the future, and before we know it, we’re living stress-filled lives without a sniff of focused ...
physical wellness
9 Fun Ways to Add More Movement to Your Day
Adding more movement to your day is critical if you want to improve your wellness and feel great all the time. But in today’s sedentary world, that’s harder to achieve. Many people would like to get more exercise but don’t feel they can because of work and time constraints. Fortunately, ...
Are You Fully In Tune with Your Body? Here’s How to Get Better At It
You’re the type of person who takes their health seriously and wants to set the best possible example for your children. Staying in tune with your body hasn’t always been your strong suit, but this year you have made a personal vow to yourself to make it better. Whether you’re improving your ...
What is an Awe Walk and Why You Should Try It
When was the last time you took a walk and stared in perfect wonder at the stars? If your eyes haven’t seen the outdoors lately — beyond the walk from your office to your car — you could be missing out on one of the best ways to improve your mental health. An “awe walk” may be just what the doctor ...
Activity and Recreation: How Wellness Treatments Impact Your Health
Imagine that after a hard day's work and a stressful day at the office, you're thinking about a holiday. You've been planning your holiday for so long that your body needs to rest in the next few hours. But there are so many interesting things to do in the country, and you already want to see the ...
Quick Workout Techniques You Can Do Every Day
There's no need to pay a hefty sum for monthly gym access or hefty home equipment. If you want some basic moves you can do anywhere, bodyweight exercises are the way to go. These simple techniques can revamp your routine and transform your goals into success. It’s often easier to maintain a ...