Lately, I have been looking to become more intentional with my morning routine. After all the way you start your day is how you will feel the rest of the day. I have noticed that when I start my mornings rushed I feel anxious and restless for the rest of the day. And when I start my ...
balanced life
How To Be Mindful Throughout The Day
Do you feel like you are always on the move, rushing from one thing to the next, with no real intentional time to process what is happening in your life? Mindfulness is something we should all strive for, especially in a world that moves so fast. By being more mindful, you are also ...
30 Ways to Practice Self-Love
How to practice self-love? Self-love is so important for your mental and physical well-being. When you truly take the time to understand and love yourself, you become happier and more confident. Some additional benefits of self-love are that it helps you to have healthier relationships and ...
How to Find Balance When You Are Busy
Are you feeling like there is no balance in your life? Are you busy, exhausted, and feel like you are constantly hanging by a thread? You are not alone. Balance is very hard to come by, and it takes work, dedication, and persistence to find. You may never be completely balanced ...
10 Habits to Practice Consistently to Live Your Best Life
Let me tell you a little something that I know about you. I bet you are so ready and determined to live your best life, but you don’t know what steps to take. You don’t need to become an overnight sensation in your business—although if that happens, I will totally celebrate with you. All ...
Tips for Staying Focused When Working from Home
Working from home is beautiful and glamorous and it is something many of us picture when we think of the perfect life…I mean, getting paid while I am in pajamas? Heck yes, count me in!!! Then comes time to work from home…and your dog is being extra cute, your dishes are piling up in the sink, ...