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Shifting your perspective on life’s challenges is a great way to practice optimism. Struggles are bound to come up and choosing to focus on the positive is an actionable and healthy choice. Staying optimistic is a powerful tool for building resilience and overcoming things life throws at you. Symbols are a great way to represent the positive mindset in the world around you.
These symbols have been used for years in hopes of helping in times of uncertainty. They share the power of positivity but have unique contexts behind them. Here are 13 symbols to keep you grounded in any situation.
1. Hummingbirds
These unique birds are tiny but full of life and hope. They zip around in all directions, from up, down, and sideways. Hummingbirds are colorful creatures that remind you to sit on the back foot for a little to move forward.
These small birds symbolize good things that are coming, even during difficult times. If you see one, it should signal good luck, healing, happiness, and the enjoyment of life.
2. A Rainbow
Rainbows commonly occur after a storm, which is a great way to represent that better things are coming. The beautiful natural phenomenon is a symbol of optimism and hope. When sunlight refracts through water drops in the air, it causes the spectrum of color to appear to the eye.
Greek mythology says the rainbow is a pathway from Earth to the heavens that allows gods to travel. Now, the rainbow represents many things and even is a flag that is a powerful symbol of hope and optimism for the LGBTQ+ communities’ struggles.
3. The Sunflower
Sunflowers are a bright yellow that brings energy to any room. They’re excellent symbols of optimism since the sunflower always turns to face the sun. The metaphor of helping you feel grounded means even when life is complex and there is no sun, you can change your perspective by finding the light and letting it guide you in the right direction. Seeing a sunflower generally symbolizes joy, guidance, and a desire to seek the light or truth.
4. Peacocks
Peacocks represent the beauty and abundance of life, so they are a great way to stay grounded. These beautiful birds are known for their vibrant feathers, making them a symbol of beauty in life. They have confidence, which represents how you can live up to your full potential despite what others may think. The peacock should remind you to embrace your true self.
5. Turtles
Turtles can travel up to 12,000 miles in a couple of months. This shows how they have the gift of patience and persistence. The route can be long and hard, but their character drives them to continue. It can help as a powerful mindset in life since you might think goals and changes seem far from reach, but you can achieve them with a bit of time and effort.
They are also known to live long lives, allowing them to grow and build wisdom. Living a long life will help you continuously learn and find inner peace.
6. A Lemon Tree
This citrus fruit tree has an uplifting and clean fragrance that creates feelings of happiness. It’s a common symbol for optimism. The tree’s fruit has an uplifting color that pairs well with the green leaves for a vibrant and fresh vibe. Looking at lemon trees can uplift your mood and make your state of mind change for the better.
The trees can thrive in challenging environments, representing resilience and power to overcome. Lemons are a healthy citrus fruit that will remind you of healing, cleansing and cheerfulness in life.
7. Dolphins
These fantastic sea creatures symbolize determination, intelligence and playfulness. They are known to be playful and stay graceful in any situation. These characteristics are great to have as you go through life.
The dolphin symbol goes back to ancient cultures and represents strength and bravery. Some even associate the dolphin with healing since it has a gentle energy.
8. Sacral Chakra
Anyone on a spiritual journey knows the symbol of the sacral chakra — the second chakra located in the lower abdomen. It symbolizes emotional balance, creativity and determination. The color orange, water and the crocodile represent it. Orange is believed to express passion and determination, which are great qualities to have in life. The sacral chakra will help you tap into your strengths and adapt to situations.
9. The Sun
Across many cultures, the sun is a powerful symbol of staying grounded. It’s the Earth’s source of light and warmth, and represents growth and renewal in life. It rises every morning with intensity despite the other weather conditions around it. Ancient cultures even worshiped the sun since it provides so much for life.
10. A Japanese Cherry Blossom
The cherry blossom is a sign that spring is on the way in Japanese culture. It’s one of the year’s most celebrated events since it represents brighter and warmer weather ahead. The blossoms promote feelings of hope, happiness and motivation to feel good about what’s to come in life.
11. Dogs
Almost everyone lights up at the sight of a dog. They’re an animal known to be very loyal, forgiving and happy-go-lucky. Dogs look for the good in situations, no matter how simple the thing may be. This approach to life makes them a special symbol and can even inspire you in your own home.
12. Spirals
The spiral symbolizes optimism and has been thought to represent growth and transformation. It represents the cycle of life and is found in prehistoric art showing the sun and the path to the sky. For many cultures, it means personal growth and the journey through life.
13. Grass
Fresh green grass with blue skies and the sun is a beautiful sight to inspire and increase positivity. Green grass represents abundance and reliance while providing new paths to take when you feel stuck.
Be Aware of the Symbols All Around You
Staying grounded in life can be challenging at times. Symbols have played a role in history and still hold their meanings today. Each day, you can connect with one of these symbols and let it inspire you. These symbols will remind you to stay hopeful and ensure better days are ahead.

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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