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Are you ready to go into the New Year with focus and the desire to improve your life? If so, setting intentions for the year is a great way to go about that.
This time of year everyone is focusing on goals and resolutions. While goals are great to have, most of them are surface-level achievements.
The real life-changing stuff comes from intentions.
When you set intentions you help yourself focus deep within yourself, on your values, and what is ultimately most important to you!
If that sounds interesting to you and you are ready to get to work then keep reading for intention-setting tips for the New Year!
What are intentions?
This is a word that gets thrown around a lot but you might not know what it really means. Simply put, an intention is a purpose. It’s the purpose of doing something. You can also think of it as a guiding principle in life.
Intentions and goals often get mixed up. While they may seem like the same thing, intentions are based on internal values and drives. Goals are usually external achievements (weight loss, a new car, starting a business, etc.).
Intentions are more mindful than goals. It comes from within and is something deeper than physical achievement.
Some examples of intentions are:
– Sticking up for yourself
– Living from your heart
– Finding balance
– Being open to change
– Connecting with others
Goals and intentions can definitely overlap. For example, if your goal is to start a business then setting an intention regarding change or self-advocacy will help you achieve your goal. However, the intention itself is more of a way to live your life.
How to set intentions for the New Year
Setting intentions really comes from within. Before you even start setting intentions get familiar with what your values are. How do you want to live your life? What is important to you? Getting clear on those questions first will guide your intentions!
Step 1: Be clear on what you want
Knowing what is important to you and what you want your life to look and feel like is important. If your biggest goal this year is to learn a language then shape your intention around that. Be very clear on what you want because where you put your attention is where all your effort will go. Make sure it’s aligned with what you truly want.
Step 2: Write them down somewhere you will see
If you don’t write it down does it really exist? Writing a thought or feeling (or intention) down is a great way to bring it into existence. You will have it to reflect on in the future and if for some reason you forget, you have it written down!
Step 3: Create a mantra
A mantra is a kind of slogan or a phrase to live by. Create a mantra that you can repeat to yourself on those tough days. Think of it as your own little tagline!
If your goal is to lose weight your mantra might be “when I eat healthy food I feel energized” or if your goal is to buy a house, “abundance within me, abundance around me.”
Get as creative as you want. Make them funny or serious or even just one word. Whatever works for you!
Step 4: Keep it positive
No matter what, make sure your intentions are positive. We are all working towards bettering ourselves in some way so focusing on negatives just won’t be helpful!
Try to use only positive words. Instead of saying “I intend to stop eating junk food” try saying “I intend to fuel my body with healthy foods.”
Step 5: Make an effort to remember
Often times we set intentions or create goals that get forgotten. Make an effort every day to remember the intention you set for the year. Write it in your journal each day or say a daily affirmation (“I intend to be focused today”), or whatever else it takes to keep your intention going all year long!
5 intentions you may want to set this year
If you are ready to set some intentions but need some inspiration, here are some intentions you may want to set going into the New Year!
Staying focused
If you have big goals and tend to get off track, this is for you! Make the intention every day to stay focused on what needs to get done for your goals and your life. When you get off track remind yourself that you intend to work on your focus this year.
Advocating for yourself
Staying quiet and not speaking up for yourself was so last year. If you tend to let people walk all over you, start advocating for yourself. Make your intention to speak up and stand up for what you believe in!
Let your creativity shine
There is nothing wrong with being creative and using your imagination. If you have been holding back your creativity, it’s time to let it shine. Be creative at work, come up with new out-of-the-box ideas, practice art, or however else your creativity manifests!
Lead with kindness
Being kind is one of the best things you can be. Make the intention to do everything with kindness moving into the next year!
Nourish your soul
Caring for yourself is crucial. Setting an intention around nourishing your mind, body, and soul is a great focus to have. Do everything with the intention of nourishment. Eat good foods, take time off, and focus on your health and wellness.
In conclusion
If you have big goals you hope to accomplish, setting aligned intentions can be a super helpful way to achieve them. Since intentions come from a deeper, internal place they keep you focused on what you really want in life.
Not many people take the time to dig deep and figure out what they value but if you go through the steps and set your own intentions this New Year, you are well on your way to success.
Do you set intentions? What are your New Year’s intentions?
Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO, a Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, and a Holistic Nutritionist. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog or her online shop Balanced Vibes Co., she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.
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