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How many times have you gotten to work only to realize you don’t remember the commute, what podcast you were listening to, or if you put deodorant on? Hey, you aren’t alone! The morning can be a stressful time and because of that, we aren’t as present as we should be. If you struggle with being present in the morning and setting yourself up for a good day you may need to try out some morning mindfulness practices.
The word mindfulness is thrown around a lot nowadays and for a good reason. There are so many benefits of mindfulness and mindfulness practices. It’s really a no-brainer to add these types of practices into your morning routine and daily life.
So, how can you create a mindful morning routine and set yourself up for a fantastic day? Let’s get right into it!
What is mindfulness?
You might be thinking that mindfulness is just for people who meditate and love yoga… wrong!
On the most basic level, mindfulness is a state of awareness. A more detailed definition is it’s the ability to live in the present and to be aware of where we are and what we’re doing without letting outside stimuli overwhelm us.
Mindfulness is not just about the way you think; it’s a way of life. It focuses on your behaviors, thoughts, body sensations, and feelings. The way you practice is up to you but mindfulness is a holistic practice focusing on all aspects of life.
How to create a mindful morning routine
Creating a mindful morning routine is like creating any other morning routine. However, the focus is on being present!
Like I said before, mornings can be stressful. You are rushing around the house getting ready for the day, you have responsibilities, and next thing you know you feel irritated and overwhelmed. Is that a fun way to start your day? Nope!
Step 1: Map out your current morning routine
Maybe you don’t have a super strict morning routine but I know there are things you do every single morning. Think of things like:
– Your wake-up time
– Brushing your teeth
– Having a cup of coffee
– Feeding your pets
– Checking your phone
There are so many things you do every morning so even if you don’t call it a morning routine, it actually is! So, get to work mapping out what your average morning looks like.
Step 2: Determine your stressors
If you are like me then you might feel some anxiety in the morning. I have determined that rushing around in the morning is a stressor. I’ve also noticed that my anxiety is higher if I skip breakfast.
It’s really good to know what triggers us even without adding mindfulness into the mix (however, I would argue that identifying your stressors is actually practicing mindfulness so it’s a win-win).
So take 15 minutes to write down what stresses you out in the morning, what makes you anxious, what makes you mad, etc.
Step 3: Add in time to practice mindfulness
This is the most exciting step if you ask me because it’s the one where you actually create a new routine!
If the thought of adding more things to your morning worries you just hang on for a minute. It will be easier than you think.
Now that you have an idea of your current morning routine AND you have determined areas of your morning that cause you stress it will be easy to just plug in some mindfulness practices.
Using my favorite productivity hack, habit stacking, pick one or two parts of your morning to add on to. For example: after you brush your teeth or after you brew your coffee. The idea is that by doing a new task after one you already do every single day, it will become a habit and
something you do without much effort.
So, now that you have your routine sorted out and have new spaces for mindfulness let’s chat about different ways you can actually practice mindfulness.
10 mindfulness practices to add to your morning routine
Pick one or two (or all if you really want to) and add them to your current morning routine to create a more mindful morning.
Body scan
A body scan is being aware of your body and how it feels. Get in a comfortable position, close your eyes, and start scanning your body from your head down. How does each body party feel? Are you relaxed, tense, sore, or comfortable? Let the tension leave your body while you scan each part for about 20-30 seconds. Headspace has a great tutorial on doing a body scan (you can even do a guided one if you need some help).
Mindful breathing
Use breathing techniques to help ground yourself and be in the present moment. Box breathing is a popular technique where you inhale for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds, and hold for 5 seconds. There are many other mindful breathing techniques as well.
Intention setting
Spend a few minutes to set your intentions for the day. How do you want your day to feel? What do you want to accomplish?
Mindful listening
Mindful listening is about being aware of the sounds around you whether it’s people talking, music, nature, or anything else… it’s a practice of being present and really listening. Try not to let your mind wander while listening to a song or while having a conversation.
There are so many wonderful guided meditations on Youtube. Go try out a 5-minute meditation to start. It’s a great way to start your day and to feel present.
Five senses exercise
This is a quick exercise that you can do any time to feel more grounded and in the moment. You use your 5 senses to notice things around you.
– 5 things you can see
– 4 things you can feel
– 3 things you can hear
– 2 things you can smell
– 1 thing you can taste
Mindful movement
Moving your body with purpose is what makes movement mindful. Whether that is walking or doing yoga, do it with intention and awareness of how your body moves and feels.
Spend some time writing in your journal about how you feel, how you slept, what you are excited about, etc. Allow yourself to be present and aware of how you feel in the moment.
Reading a book
Grab a book about mindfulness and spend 10-15 minutes reading and learning.
Mindful eating
Allow yourself to enjoy each bite of your breakfast without being distracted by your phone or social media. Sit with yourself and your food. This can not only allow you to enjoy your food more but also improve your relationship with food.
In conclusion
It is not that difficult to create a mindful morning. By adding short mindfulness practices into your morning you are setting yourself up for a much more peaceful and successful day.
Using habit stacking is an easy way to make better use of your time and quickly add new healthy habits to your day.
And, of course, regular health checkups are another essential habit to incorporate into your routine. According to this cosmetic dentist in Lafayette LA, scheduling routine visits with your doctor and dentist ensures early detection of potential health issues, keeping you on track for overall well-being.
Do you currently practice mindfulness? What mindfulness practices could you add to your morning?

Deanna Frig
Deanna is a 20-something personal growth blogger and freelance writer. She created Life By Deanna to inspire other women to focus on growth, create lives they love, and dream big. Check out her blog for more posts on personal growth, wellness, and lifestyle. When she isn’t writing she is reading, cuddling with her cat, and probably eating mac and cheese!

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