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Have you struggled with setting clear boundaries before?
Maybe you believe that boundaries are restrictive and harsh, and you worry that people could feel offended if you try to put them into place.
Boundaries keep us happy, healthy, and safe. They prevent us from having more conflict and issues down the line and help us with our priorities.
However, boundary-setting itself can feel uncomfortable and scary at first. The truth is, boundary setting is important and necessary for a happy and fulfilling life.
If you’re having a difficult time with your boundaries, here are some tips on how to set clear boundaries.
Why is boundary setting important?
Before we talk all about setting clear boundaries, we must first understand why boundaries are important in the first place.
Wouldn’t it just be easier to say yes to everything and guarantee others are always happy with us?
Unfortunately, people are always going to have their own thoughts and opinions about what you do—And they may not be positive. That is true whether you are setting clear boundaries or not!
So if that’s the case, then why not put measures in place to keep yourself feeling happy and healthy?
When you set boundaries for yourself, you are expressing self-love and respect. you are communicating your priorities and needs with others, which in turn is going to encourage them to do the same.
Boundary setting can also prevent future conflict and discomfort from occurring because there’s probably a good reason for each boundary you set.
When you focus on setting clear boundaries, you open up the door to a more stress-free life.
How to Set Clear Boundaries
Take time to reflect on which boundaries you need to set
Think about where in your life you could use a boundary.
Is there a certain person or activity that drains you and depletes your energy?
For example, do you have a friend that’s always calling you to complain about what’s going on in their life?
Of course, you want to be a good friend, but this constant complaining might just be bringing you down. A boundary you could set with your friend is that you are no longer available to talk about whichever topics are typically negative.
Know your “why” behind each boundary, so you can clearly communicate it
There should be a reason behind each boundary you want to set.
Each boundary is going to keep you safe, happy, and healthy for a reason.
You might need to set boundaries for your mental or physical health.
Others might become defensive of the boundaries you need to set, so it can be very helpful to communicate your “why” behind each boundary.
Have confidence in your boundaries, and do not apologize for them
If you consider yourself to be a people pleaser, then you may find yourself wanting to backtrack on your boundaries or apologize for them. Try your best to refrain from doing this.
Every person is worthy of setting boundaries, and they should for their own health and well-being.
How others choose to respond to your boundary is their choice. This response can say a lot about how healthy the relationship is.
Communicate the boundary, preferably in person, with respect and love
Any difficult conversation is best to have in person.
Texts and emails can be interpreted differently, so try to communicate your boundary in person or over the phone if absolutely necessary.
Use “I” statements instead of putting the blame on the other person. State your boundary with “I feel…”.
This will limit the chances of the other person becoming defensive, and they will be more likely to receive your boundary in a positive way.

Ask if the other person has any questions for you
Don’t be surprised if the other person acts shocked or confused when you communicate your boundary.
Many of us were raised to care for others and put the needs of others before our own, so boundary setting does not come naturally to us.
Especially if this is something that has been going on for a long time, it may be difficult for the other person to adjust.
This is why it’s important to open the floor for questions if they have any. By doing this, the other person involved will feel respected as well.
Whenever you are feeling uncertain about your boundaries, journal on your “why” behind them
There may come a time when you are considering letting go of your boundaries.
You might question if it’s too mean or harsh to have in place. Perhaps you didn’t get the kind of response that you were hoping for.
Whenever you start to question your boundaries, remember they are there for a reason.
You put this boundary in place to positively impact your life.
If you start to question it, take some time to journal on why you set it in the first place.
Stay consistent in your boundaries
Once the boundary is set, remember to honor it.
There might be an adjustment period where you and the others involved have to consciously remind yourselves of the boundary.
You might be tempted to go back to how things were, but refrain from doing so.
If you start to let things slide, you’ll end up right back where you started before the boundary was even in place, to begin with.
Honor and respect the boundaries of others, and they will be more likely to honor and respect yours
Most people are entirely unaware of boundaries.
There’s a good chance that whoever you are communicating your boundary with is going to be surprised that such a thing exists.
This might open up a whole new world for them, and it could inspire them to set boundaries of their own.
If someone sets a boundary with you, be sure to honor and respect it. This has the power to create a ripple effect.
Setting boundaries isn’t mean or selfish—it’s crucial for living a life that feels good for you.
Keep that in mind as you navigate these waters because it’s definitely not always an easy thing to do.
Remember that the more you respect the boundaries of others, the more they will respect yours.
Final Thoughts
There’s a reason why you want to set these boundaries for yourself, so keep that at the forefront of your mind.
Once you master the art of setting clear boundaries for yourself, you’ll be well on your way to a happier and healthier life.
How do you set clear boundaries in your life? Let me know in the comments below!

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO, a Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, and a Holistic Nutritionist. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog or her online shop Balanced Vibes Co., she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

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