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Healing is the process of restoring wholeness and balance.
In our moments of pain and distress, we want that to happen quickly and hope for miracles.
When you only consider physical ailments and discomfort, it’s understandable that fast solutions seem like the goal.
Physical pain at an intolerable level can be debilitating, and we just want it to stop. But we rarely experience relief instantly and even when we do, it’s not always long-lasting. Why?
Well, when you know you are a multidimensional being with different aspects that make up the whole, you’ll come to understand, there’s more to pain than what manifests in our physicality.
Holistic Approach to Healing
Energy and intuitive healing practitioners look at pain, imbalance, and disease in a holistic manner.
We go beyond the obvious and look at the whole energy system.
We consider and assist clients in exploring and integrating all levels of the energy body or aspects of self: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
These different parts of ourselves are interrelated, and when not addressed in a holistic way, it can lead to energetic blocks that can cause all types of havoc in our lives.
For most of us, the manifestation of energy blocks doesn’t get attention until they’re experienced as extremely painful or distressful. Nonetheless, beyond the pain, there could be a lot more going on.
When you take the time to explore it in-depth, you might realize that healing is a journey.
But here’s the beauty of the journey, if you’re willing to see it this way… it’s a luminous one that will lead you to self-discovery, empowerment, and expansion!
Migdalia’s Personal Healing Journey
My personal healing journey started a decade ago when I was experiencing physical ailments that had no medical basis, yet were causing me to experience major imbalances and pain.
I went through weeks of pushing through excruciating back pain. It was to the point where I was having a difficult time working, caring for my children, and even walking at times.
It got so bad one day, I could not get out of bed. My mom literally dragged me down the stairs to take me to the ER.
After various tests, the attending physician could not identify any cause, so along with a prescription for painkillers. He advised me to get some type of massotherapy to help with stress.
I followed his advice and massages definitely helped me to experience some relief. So, I went back a couple of times.
One day, I was seen by a therapist that upon finishing the session made a poignant statement about the state of my energy. She told me my energy felt “toxic.”
At that moment, those words felt like a punch in the gut. I even thought to myself, “who does she think she is?”
The sting of that statement stayed with me for a couple of days. It kept bugging me, which is so rare for me because I don’t normally take things personally especially when coming from strangers.
The thoughts around that persisted until I decided to do an online search on energy.
Alternative Energy Healing
I came across information that intrigued me, and I started to learn about alternative energy healing.
Soon after, I discovered and tried a Reiki healing session that not only left me experiencing physical relief but a feeling of balance and peace that felt astounding.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the experience. I wondered why that sense of peace felt so significant to me. When I started to explore that, I realized I couldn’t recall the last time I’d felt that way and I wanted more of it.
A Path of Self-Discovery
That started me on a path of discovery, and I began to learn all I could about all things energy, metaphysics, healing, and spirituality.
The more I learned and experienced, the more layers that came up to be explored and healed.
Now, after a long time on my journey, I know the pain my body was manifesting at the time was rooted in being disconnected spiritually, accepting situations in which I didn’t feel safe or honored, and lots of unhealthy boundary issues both in my family life as well as in my work as a counselor.
Looking at the situation from where I am now, I see how disempowered and codependent I was.
Although on the outside I seemed like I had it all together because I had so much going for me, I often felt a void, and hopeless in so many ways.
I’d spent years dealing with the challenges of life by putting on a front that everything was okay. I had been repressing my needs and suffering in silence, because according to society that’s what moms do.
I’d bought into the illusion that that was life, and why complain. I’d shut down my sense of passion and desire. I couldn’t even see that there were other possibilities and honestly, even if I did, I didn’t feel worthy of them.
Now, my entire life wasn’t all miserable and I had some good things going for myself but there was definitely something amiss.
Physical and Mental Transformation
I came to the painful realization that I was not living authentically.
I’d created a life where I was living for others, trying to live up to society’s ideals about success. And where my soul’s essence was not nurtured nor given permission to shine, by others but most importantly by ME.
My journey with energy and intuitive healing modalities helped me not only to experience a physical transformation through pain relief and significant weight loss but to realize I had to claim my power and be true to myself.
At the start of my journey, I thought this was going to be a process with an end, but what I’ve come to realize is that it’s continuous.
Healing is a journey that continues to expand and offers endless possibilities for growth.
For me, this journey has even inspired me to become a healing practitioner and to share what I’ve learned through my own transformation with others.
I’m always in awe of how life evolves!
I’ve come to realize that although we’re taught to keep moving and striving, it’s not a destination we’re moving towards but continuous growth and expansion.
As Divine beings, we’re infinite and there’s always going to be more to experience, become and discover about ourselves, others, and our divine nature.
Life is in constant motion, even when we’re not. It will afford us continuous opportunities to advance as souls and fulfill the spiritual play and exploration we’re here for.
So, if you’d like to start a luminous journey of your own, and experience life in new ways, I’m here to serve!

Migdalia Rodriguez
Guest Blogger
Migdalia Rodriguez is an energy and intuitive healing practitioner dedicated to supporting individuals in discovering their soul’s essence thereby claiming their power. Through her healing offerings, you will come to see yourself as the Divine energy being you are and develop the capacity to discern what’s in alignment and what needs to be released. She’s passionate about supporting others on their journey.

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