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How to Create an Inspiring and Cozy Space for Journaling
Have you been itching to get into journaling?
Journaling is a powerful mindfulness and self-care practice.
In a world that moves much too fast, journaling reminds us to slow down, be present, feel what we feel, and acknowledge those feelings.
Taking even just a few minutes per day to journal can boost your mood and set you up for a peaceful, productive day.
Part of getting in the right mindset for journaling is creating the perfect space for you to write. This space should promote mindfulness and comfort.
If you have trouble with designing this space, the good news is that it doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive!
Here is more on how to create an inspiring and cozy space for journaling.
What is journaling?
Before we dive into creating your space, let’s briefly cover what journaling actually is.
Journaling is a practice that helps you get all of your thoughts out of your head and onto paper. This is why it’s an incredibly effective self-care practice because it helps you clear your mind and focus on the present moment.
Journaling can take many different forms, like freeform, where you just write whatever comes to mind, and guided prompts where you are actually responding to a question or statement that is already written out for you.
Something that’s important to note is that you don’t need to be a great or even a good writer to journal. In fact, you don’t even need to like writing! There are no set rules for journaling. You don’t have to use complete sentences if you don’t want to; instead, you can write words or phrases or bullet points. You can simply write out how you feel or journal through a problem or challenge you’re facing.
The important thing is that you feel better after getting your thoughts onto paper.
Now that you understand what journaling as a practice can look like, here are some tips to help you create a cozy space for journaling.
Related Reads:
• How to Start a Journaling Practice for Self-Improvement
• The Benefits of Journaling for Stress Management
Choose a spot with natural light
If you choose to journal at night, this tip obviously won’t apply. However, if you prefer journaling in the morning or afternoon, then this is for you!
Getting some natural light in will help you to feel calmer and inspired as you write.
Journaling outside is best for Vitamin D, but soaking in the natural light whenever you can will still benefit you.
Play soft, instrumental music that helps you relax
Certain playlists can promote relaxation as you settle into your journaling routine.
It’s best to not listen to music that’s too upbeat or distracting but instead opt for something soft.
There are lots of writing playlists on Spotify and Youtube for you to pick from.
Sit in a comfortable spot
Journaling should be an experience that you look forward to.
Try to get as comfortable as possible, whether that’s in your bed, on the floor, at a desk, or sitting outside in the grass.
Be wary of sitting in the same spot that you usually work from, because then your brain may have trouble getting quiet and focusing on journaling.
Surround yourself with art or items that inspire you
Don’t be afraid to make this space your own!
Even if it’s just a small corner of your bedroom, do what you can to fill the area with things that inspire you.
This may be a plant, a candle, or a painting on your wall.
Choose items you love that also support you in stepping into quiet time with yourself.
Diffuse essential oils or light a candle
Certain aromas promote relaxation and reduce stress.
Bring these into your space by diffusing essential oils or lighting a candle. After a while, your brain will start to notice that scent and remind your body that it’s time to journal.
Depending on which ones you choose, they may help with focus as well.
Peppermint, rosemary, and lavender are great ones to start with!
Sip on your beverage of choice
Just as a certain scent can remind your body that it’s time to journal, a drink can do the same.
Perhaps you’d love to sip your bedtime tea or morning coffee while journaling. Maybe you prefer a matcha or an afternoon latte.
This is not only beneficial from a routine standpoint, but it also just makes the experience more enjoyable.
Breathe in some fresh air
As mentioned earlier, journaling outside can be a very soothing experience.
Feel the warm sunlight on your skin, listen to the sounds of the birds chirping, and breathe in some fresh air. You can journal from your front porch or go sit in the grass at your local park.
You may feel even more inspired than usual from outside.
Eliminate distractions such as your phone or computer
Journaling is time that’s purely for you.
Because of this, don’t let your notifications run the show.
Turn off your phone or computer or put them on silent, even if it’s just for 5-10 minutes.
You’ll be surprised how much better you feel after just a few minutes of uninterrupted journaling.
You may feel inspired to keep your notifications off for a little longer!
Keep your journaling space clean and organized
If you are journaling from a place that is cluttered and dusty, it’s going to be difficult to tune into your feelings and emotions and tune out the mess.
Clutter can be extremely distracting when you’re trying to practice any mindfulness technique.
Be sure to keep your space clean and organized, so you can focus on what’s most important—journaling.
Final Thoughts
Allow these tips to inspire you to create your own cozy space for journaling.
The more enjoyable and pleasurable you can make your space, the more likely you are to stick to a journaling practice.
If you find yourself growing out of your space or needing something different, don’t be afraid to change it up!
Sometimes as we grow as individuals, our needs shift. A change of scenery might serve you better in future seasons of your life.
Remember that this space is for you, so make it what you need.
Wishing you peace and comfort during your journaling journey!
Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.
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