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I think we can all agree that this world can be stressful at times.
Amidst the hard work, everything we see on the news, and making sure our family and friends are happy and healthy, it is important to take the time to relax.
Everyone should have a space they can call and make their own that makes them feel relaxed.
Whether you want to call it the “Zen Den”, “Chill Zone”, or something else—it doesn’t matter, but we all can use this space.
This relaxing space in your home may look different to each person. It can be a balcony, a chair by a window, a corner of your bedroom, or an entire room dedicated to relaxation.
Everyone needs a place to clear their head and take time for themselves.
Create a Relaxing Space at Your Own Home
1. Separate Space from Regular Work or Living Spaces
Have you ever tried to work from your bed and then have trouble sleeping, because all you can think about is work?
You aren’t alone.
The brain associates spaces with the activities that you usually do there, in the same way, that it associates certain smells or things with specific memories.
This is why it is crucial to have a clear distinction between where you work, eat, and sleep from where you relax.
Some of us do not have an entirely separate room available to create a relaxing space at home. I am included in this—I live in a 700-square-foot apartment where every square foot serves a purpose.
If you are like me and don’t have much space, just dedicate a portion of the room for your relaxation space.
For me, this is a chair in my living room by the window. I have a crystal and lots of plants on the windowsill, and a ton of natural light gets in.
Reserve this space for stress-relieving activities only.
2. Get Comfortable
Throw off those heels and take off that bra if you want.
This space should not only be relaxing, but it should also be comfortable!!
Every time you go into your relaxing space, throw on your favorite pair of sweats, leggings, or anything that makes you comfortable.
You can include plenty of pillows and cozy blankets in your space as well!
You don’t have to keep them there all the time (I definitely do not have the room), but you can swap them in and out as necessary.
If anything causes you any discomfort in your space, change it!
This could be physical discomfort, like your chair, or it can be emotional discomfort, like having to leave your phone away from your space.
Related Reads:
- 7 Evening Habits to Help You Unwind From Your Day
- 10 Ways to Transform Your Bedroom Into a Calming Space
3. Create a Relaxing Environment
This space is yours, so make it unique!
I love inspirational quotes so I have watercolor canvases hanging with quotes that make me smile. You can hang artwork with motivational phrases or beautiful scenes, like the ocean or mountains.
Allow natural light in if possible, and include some plants if you can.
You should be filling the space with decor that makes you feel at peace.
Another element to add to your space is a diffuser with essential oils. Diffusing oils like lavender, chamomile, and sage help lower anxiety and promote relaxation.
You can also add some music to your space, using noise-canceling headphones if necessary. You can play smooth, acoustic songs, or just listen to the sound of ocean waves.
Do what feels best to you!
4. Make Your Favorite Beverage to Sip Every Time You Enter Your Relaxing Space
I love sipping on hot herbal tea whenever it is time to unwind and relax at night.
In the mornings, I go to my relaxing space in my home to sip my coffee and journal.
For you, your beverage maybe a cup of coffee, a glass of lemonade, herbal tea, or wine. Make it enjoyable! Some beverages are best for the morning and some are best for nighttime, but you should make something special.
What will eventually happen is that you will start to associate the beverage you are drinking with the space.
Do you know how a certain smell or taste can remind you of a memory? This is exactly what you want your beverage to do for you.
This way, your drink will remind your brain that it is time to relax and unwind.
5. Keep Your Space Clean and Organized
Whether you are a self-proclaimed “neat freak” or not, clutter can be stressful and make it difficult to relax.
Be sure to keep your relaxing space clean and organized.
The environment you are in should reflect how you are feeling on the inside, so a clean space goes hand in hand with a relaxed mind.
I always feel calmer when my apartment is clean and organized.
Any mess is going to distract you from relaxing and being in the moment.
Trust me, this is coming from someone who gets extremely distracted by dirty dishes in the sink.
You will be pulled away from relaxing, and you may even start subconsciously making a to-do list in your head for the future.
Be sure to clean your space frequently so this does not happen!
Final thoughts
Everyone needs a relaxing space they can call their own.
No matter your age, gender, or living situation, everyone needs and has the ability to create a relaxing space just for them.
Life can be hectic, and taking time to slow down is important for your well-being.
Remember that this space can be fluid, and you can change things out as necessary and as you grow. This space should be fun and reflect who you are!!
When you enter your space, be sure to be present and take this time for yourself.
Reflect, meditate, focus on your breathing, draw, paint, do yoga…the options truly are endless, so do whatever your mind, body, and soul needs.
Be sure to implement some of these tips, and enjoy your space of relaxation.
Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.
Leeandra says
These tips are great! I have to start using some of them and create a space for myself to relax. I love that you included small apartments in this as my apt is pretty small too! Thank you!
Michelle says
Glad you liked the tips! ? We need a place of peace especially being home so much! Thanks for reading!
Scarlett says
I love these tips. I’m brainstorming where to put my relaxing space now. Thanks!
Michelle says
Thanks Scarlett!! Nice I hope you find a nice spot ?
Alexis Farmer says
Good read, definitely all about taking my bra off in my relaxing spaces! Haha
Michelle says
LOL ?? sames!
Alyssa says
I love this post! It’s so important to find that balance in your home. I’m in a townhome and like you stated every room or space is dedicated for something specific. It’s not always easy to make space for a stress free environment but I have figured out how. With your tips I am sure others who live in small spaces can too.
Michelle says
Thank you so much, Alyssa!! Glad you were able to figure out how ?
Beth Shields says
This is such a great post. I have moved frequently and have always picked out a space of sanctuary for myself in whatever setting and then try to recreate that in my home for my guests and family members. I want them to feel pampered and refreshed in my home. And I am all about the beverage to set the mood. But with all the blog stuff – you remind me to keep it picked up. Not so much of late. So that’s my task now. Enjoyed the read. Thanks.
Michelle says
Oh my Beth you are such a nice host to your guests and family. Sounds amazing and I am so happy you enjoyed reading my post ❤️
Kristin says
In our busy society many of us (including myself, unfortunately) have lost the art of relaxing. Or realizing that it’s okay, and even necessary, to time the time to recharge in a space all our own. So important.
Michelle says
I 100% agree with you Kristin!
Holly says
Great tips and advice! We all could use a zen den in our home! Love this!
Michelle says
Thank you Holly!! ?
Bonnie says
Great tips…I’m finding it hard to keep things clean and not cluttered with 2 kids and a dog 😉
Michelle says
You have a full house Bonnie!
Jordan says
I definitely agree on number 1. I try to keep all work-related things out of my bedroom. I also like the idea of having your favorite drink in your relaxation space. An iced chai would be my go-to.
Michelle says
Iced chai is the bomb! Thanks for reading Jordan!
Erica says
You are so right on so many of these! I love having a quiet relaxing spot and my kids all need one too. A place that is just theirs to escape to, I love it!
Michelle says
YES exactly Erica! ?
Tricia Snow says
What a great idea. Having a place of refuge is in important!
Michelle says
Thanks Tricia!
Sabrina DeWalt says
Great suggestions! I am guilty of making the to-do list in my head when it’s time to relax.
Michelle says
Thank you Sabrina! Always something to do right?!
Danielle Ardizzone says
Clutter can be so stressful! I underestimated this until I started making sure that my bedroom was picked up each night before bed.
Michelle says
Super stressful!
Casandra says
I love using a diffuser in my relaxing space. It definitely adds to the ambience.
Michelle says
I agree Casandra! ? Love some good essential oils!
Lisa Manderino says
All of these tips will totally help calm one down and relax!
Michelle says
Thanks Lisa!
Amy says
I’m sooooo guilty of not doing this! Now it’s just a matter of me finding where exactly that space is going to be… and where my kids can’t get in!
Michelle says
Lol I hope you can find your spot soon Amy!
Marianne says
It all sounds soooo wonderful! If only I can keep the kids out! LOL. Right now, with the beautiful weather, my front porch is my peaceful spot!
Michelle says
Thank you Marianne!! The front porch sounds relaxing!
Lori says
Love this idea. I have been very diligent about keeping my work space out of my living space and it really helps.
Michelle says
That is awesome Lori!
Barbara says
Great tips and advice! I completely agree! And yes! A warm herbal tea to relax is perfect. I’m drinking mine now!
Michelle says
Nice! Sounds calming Barbara! Thank you for reading! ?
Chelsea says
Ugh. You are SO right about separating your spaces. We live in a small house, and now that we have to work from home AND have 3 kids learning from home, we are trying to figure out where we work vs where we play and relax. Great tips!
Michelle says
Oh wow sounds like a lot Chelsea. Hope you guys are able to figure it out soon! ?
Lisa Shivel says
Wonderful tips!
Michelle says
Thanks Lisa!!
Sara says
I love diffusing essential oils, especially peace and calming, and lavender. I also love playing soothing music. Really helps me feel like I’m in a happy place.
Michelle says
Sounds so relaxing Sara! ?
Alice says
These are really good points. I will say 700 feet is a lot compared to my tiny apartment.
Michelle says
Thanks Alice!
Charlene says
Since March, I have NOT had a separate work space. I usually work on my couch, in the middle of all the other chaos. Probably not the most productive thing….
Michelle says
Oh no, I understand Charlene…this pandemic has made it kind of hard to restructure life.
Eva Keller says
Great tips! This is how I like to do things too. It makes all the difference.
Michelle says
Thanks Eva!!
Tiffany says
All great tips! Need to work on a space just for me – have a house of all boys!
Michelle says
Oh wow Tiffany, yes you definitely need some space to yourself lol
Cindy says
These are excellent tips! I love having my own spot to relax in.
Michelle says
Thanks Cindy!!