Are you constantly looking for healthy snacks that make you feel full? Don’t you just love snacking around the entire day in the midst of stressful exams nights, or during Netflix sessions? Something healthy and handy sounds like just the perfect deal, doesn’t it? There are ...
How to Run a Business with an Introvert Personality
All my life people told me I was shy and quiet and honestly, some of them even judged me for it saying I am anti-social and reserved. This is true to an extent, yes I am quiet because I am observant. I am shy but only when I first meet you, then I open up to you. I am not anti-social, I just ...
10 Ways to Stay Motivated and Focused in Life
Are you lacking in being motivated and focused in your life? You set your alarm for 5:30 AM to go to the gym but all you do is hit snooze. You have a ton of work to do by a certain deadline but all you do is sit on the couch and binge-watch Netflix. There is a skill you want to learn but ...