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Do you know someone who is incredible at crushing their goals?
Or someone who seems to do every single thing they set their mind to?
These people aren’t magical unicorns who are gifted with goal-crushing skills, but they all have something in common.
Every person sets goals in life.
Some of them are major goals, like attending a certain university or having three kids, and some of them are minor goals like joining a gym program.
Some goals take an hour to reach, and some goals take a decade to complete.
No matter the extent of the goal, the time frame we have set in our minds, or the feelings a certain goal brings along with it, it’s important to stay focused.
Here are some easy ways you can focus on your goals so you can crush them!
How to Stay Focused on Your Goals
1. Create a Vision Board
The start of 2023 brought out New Year resolutions, discounts on gym memberships, and yes, vision boards.
Vision boards are fantastic tools that you can use to stay focused on your goals.
They are, quite literally, a clear image (or images) of what direction you want to head towards.
What is a vision board?
A vision board is filled with quotes and images of your choosing to inspire you to reach your goals. It can be a collection of what your life will look like once you reach those goals.
For example, if your goal is to become a full-time entrepreneur, you can fill your vision board with quotes about feeling free, maps of where you’d like to travel, and pictures of where you would move if you had the freedom to.
Place your vision board in a location where you will see it every day.
If it’s virtual, make it your laptop background.
If it’s not virtual, hang it in your closet or bedroom or by the front door.
Your vision board will give you daily motivation and inspiration to continue working towards your goals.
2. Fill out a calendar or planner with deadlines you set for yourself
At first glance, many goals feel scary, intimidating, and sometimes, even impossible.
To help with this, break your goals into smaller, more attainable tasks or steps.
For example, do you want to get 10,000 followers on Instagram? Your steps may be to buy some filters to keep your feed consistent, post every day, go on Instagram stories every day, and engage with other accounts in your niche for at least 15 minutes a day. Document how fast you grow every two weeks as you work towards reaching 10,000 followers.
Going along with each task or step, set a deadline for yourself in your calendar.
Perhaps you are aiming to get to 4,000 followers by May and 6,000 by June.
Plan out how you are going to measure “success” for your goal.
Have actual metrics, whether that is money, followers, or something else that you can measure.
Set deadlines so you know when you are aiming to finish a certain task.
Cross the tasks off your calendar as you complete them.
This helps you see your progress and the actual order you should be completing tasks in.
3. Track Your Time in Order to Make the Most of It
Do you think you are busy ALL THE TIME and don’t have a single moment of free time?
If you said yes, then congratulations! You are not alone.
But let me ask you this…have you ever tracked your time? I mean, down to the minute, serious, intense, time tracking. Yes, this includes every time you scroll through Instagram or Facebook.
Tracking time, although painfully annoying, will reveal so many things to you.
Track your time for a week and see how you are actually spending it. Analyze your time to see if you are spending too much or too little time on specific tasks. Determine if there are things that you can cut out that are not contributing towards your goal.
After all of this, create an hourly schedule for yourself every day where you intentionally plan for tasks, meetings, and rest.
Tip: I recently started using ClickUp for all my productivity needs like time tracking, tasks, goals, and so much more. The best part is it is FREE!
4. Determine Your Why
This is such a crucial step in focusing on your goals.
If you don’t have a meaningful reason WHY you want to reach your goal, then you won’t be able to make it a priority.
When you are determining your why, go beyond the surface level why like “to make more money” or “to quit my job”.
Related Reads:
Dean Graziosi developed an exercise for this, called 7 levels deep.
In this exercise, you ask yourself why 7 times and each response builds on the next.
This helps you transition your why from your head to your heart.
For example, say your initial why is “to make more money”.
Why do you want to make more money, perhaps to support your family? Then maybe you want to support your family so your kids don’t have to grow up wondering how they will get their next meal.
You do this exercise 7 times, going deeper with each level, and it really helps you determine your true why.
Perhaps, you’ll have a bit of a revelation through this.
5. Have a plan for how you will celebrate when you reach your goal
Once you reach this incredible goal you have set out to accomplish, how are you going to celebrate?
Maybe you will pop a nice bottle of champagne with family and friends, or go to a fancy steakhouse dinner with loved ones.
Or you will get a facial and a massage and sip on mimosas.
Even finally go on that vacation to Europe with your significant other.
No matter what the celebration will be, make sure it is something special, out of the ordinary, and meaningful to you.
Now, not only do you have the end goal to look forward to, but you have the celebration as well!!
Final Thoughts
Take these tips on focusing on your goals to heart and implement them in your life.
Once you have a clear vision of where you want to go, the steps you need to take to get there, all backed by your why, you will be able to successfully reach your goal and celebrate it!!
How do you STAY FOCUSED on your goals?

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

Such good tips! I definitely find tracking time the hardest bit – so much gets wasted! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading Katie! ????