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Are you lacking in being motivated and focused in your life?
You set your alarm for 5:30 AM to go to the gym but all you do is hit snooze.
You have a ton of work to do by a certain deadline but all you do is sit on the couch and binge-watch Netflix.
There is a skill you want to learn but all you do is talk about it with no action.
Trust me, I get it!
There are many days when I am unmotivated and just want to lay around in my pajamas, watch TV, and eat junk food all day.
But, when I do, I feel guilty and my mind can’t relax because I keep telling myself I need to do better. Yet, my body won’t move.
It took me a long time to realize that I am my own obstacle.
The only person holding myself back from achieving goals and being successful is me.
The mind is very powerful and you just have to learn to take control of it and teach it to be positive and fight off the negative.
Days when you don’t feel like going to the gym or finishing a project or whatever it is you need to get done, are the days that you need to push yourself harder and think about the success you want to have in life.
The first 5 to 10 minutes may be the hardest but once you get past that you will see how much your motivation kicks in and you may not even want to stop because you feel energized, productive, and pumped to complete your task.
When writing this blog post, I was going to go on and on about motivating yourself but I decided to just write a short and simple list of ways to stay motivated and focused in life.
These tips have helped me in the past and even help me now. So, I hope they help you too!
How to Stay Motivated and Focused in LIfe
1. Remember Your Why
Why did you decide you wanted to achieve the goals you set in your mind?
Is it your children?
Is it your parents?
Maybe you want to gain more confidence?
Do you want to become financially free?
Do you want to improve your health?
Everyones why is different.
Everyone has a reason that they want to have success in life.
So, every day you must remember your WHY and think about it constantly so it can keep you going.
This is what should get you up in the morning.
This is what all started this journey for you and you can’t give up on your why!
2. Create a Vision Board
Do you visualize a life of success?
Creating a vision board and seeing it every day is a great way to manifest your goals and keep you focused.
Take some time one day or weekend and really think about what you want in life, 5, 10, or even 20 years from now.
Then, create the board and place it somewhere in your home that you can see it every day especially in the mornings so it can start your day in a positive way.
Remember to have patience and not get discouraged because you may see your dreams on your vision board but maybe you haven’t achieved them yet.
But they are manifesting in your mind and all good things take time and are worth the wait.
Visualizing your goals every day will help to keep you focused and determined to achieve your dreams.
3. Listen to Motivational Speeches
Motivational speeches can be found on YouTube, podcasts, and audiobooks.
You can listen to these speeches in the morning with your coffee, while you are working out, driving to work, in the shower, or just about anywhere and anytime you can listen to them to get you pumped and motivated.
These speeches can help you realize you are not alone and sometimes you just need to hear words that can push you to become a better version of yourself.
Personal development every day is a great way to feed your mind and keep you focused on your goals.
4. Make Self-Care a Priority
You may be wondering how can self-care make me feel motivated and focused?
Well, how can you be positive and focused if your mind is foggy, your body is run down, and you are running on fumes?
When you are overworked or don’t feel good you don’t want to do anything!
Taking time to care for yourself is very important in achieving your goals and being happy.
I learned this one the hard way. I always felt guilty when I took a day off or I treat myself to a spa day.
So, I basically never took care of myself and my body took a toll on me. I was constantly sick and unfocused.
But, as soon I started to make it a priority to do something I love or something that helps my mind and body. I stopped being sick, I felt refreshed, and I started checking goals off my list.
Self-care is different for everyone…it can be a massage, a spa day, a beach day, spending time with family or friends, taking a hike, and the list goes on….you just have to find what works for you to keep you refreshed and confident.
5. Practice Meditation and/Or Yoga
I firmly believe you can’t achieve your goals or achieve success without a positive mindset.
Sometimes life gets tough and it is hard to stay positive though. Well, this is where practicing meditation and doing yoga can help.
Meditation and Yoga help relieve stress, anxiety, and negative thinking.
It gives your mind clarity, helps with concentration, and uplifts your mood. It is absolutely amazing for you emotionally and physically.
Even if you are busy, take 10-15 minutes out of your day of quiet time to practice meditation and do some yoga. A little everyday adds and before you know it, it will become a habit that you look forward to every day.
6. Read Motivational Quotes
You ever scroll through Instagram and you will see these inspirational and motivational quotes and it makes you smile or feel happy on the inside?
I absolutely loved motivational quotes and try to read at least 5 a day.
Sometimes, they line up so well with a situation that I am going through in life and it makes me feel hopeful and positive.
Motivational quotes have a way to reiterate your focus and help you get back on the path of success.
7. Take a Walk or Exercise
I got in the habit of waking up at 6:00 AM every morning to exercise which I have a love/hate relationship with. I hate it because I love to sleep and would rather be curled up under my blankets till 8:00 AM.
But I LOVE it because no matter how much I fuss and struggle to work out when I am finished, I feel ready and motivated to start my day.
I notice when I sleep in now, I am lazy all day and don’t accomplish much. So, I rather fight to myself to wake up early so I can continue my journey to success.
So, maybe one of the things you are struggling with is waking up to work out. I recommend just starting off slow, a few days a week, preparing your workout clothes the night before, or getting a partner to help motivate you.
Or even when throughout the day you feel unfocused just take a walk and clear your head!
Exercise also relieves stress, anxiety, depression, boosts your self-esteem, and helps you sleep better.
You will feel such a boost in your mind and body once you start moving.

8. Listen to Music
No sad or depressing music (unless that motivates you). Play something that can make you dance and just DANCE!
Have a good time and get your mind right.
You can even do this a couple of times a day. You will see how much it boosts your mood and brings you back to being focused again.
I recommend creating a playlist of all your favorite upbeat songs and just playing it when you need some motivation in your day.
9. Plan Your Days
Planning your days helps you to be organized and helps you to see the bigger picture of what needs to be done.
Every night before bed write your to-do list for the next day or some people even take Sundays and plan out their whole week.
I do it the night before because hey, sometimes life happens and I am unable to get to it that day then all I do is move it to the next day. As long as I get to it within a certain time frame I feel like a success.
It is great satisfaction when you can scratch a goal off your to-do list. You feel accomplished and you are closer to your goals than before.
10. Read a Book
Reading a good inspirational or self-help book is a great way to boost your motivation and focus.
It can be inspiring and create a positive impact on your life. It helps you to realize you are not alone and anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.
So, take some time away from social media and TV every day and read a good book. You will see how much your mind improves.
How do you stay motivated and focused? Let me know in the comments below!

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

I definitely needed to read this today! Pinning to come back to when I need a motivational boost.
Awesome! Thank you, Cassandra! ā¤ļø