Struggling to be productive is common among a lot of people. As a new week begins you may feel overwhelmed and stressed out because you are not prepared at all. Then by the end of the week, you feel frustrated because you didn’t get anything accomplished. If you don’t know what you ...
productivity tips
How to Recognize and Stop Self-Sabotaging Yourself
Has anyone ever asked you if you are self-sabotaging yourself? When it comes to making progress on our goals we are often our own worse enemies. That is because we tend to self-sabotage ourselves sometimes without even realizing it. In this post, you will learn what ...
10 Habits of People Who Are Always Productive
Can you think of someone that always seems to be productive? We all know those people—the ones with the color-coded everything, the ones who never procrastinate, and the ones who just seem to have their stuff together. Becoming a more productive person is not an impossible feat, and it can ...
5 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Goals
Do you know someone who is incredible at crushing their goals? Or someone who seems to do every single thing they set their mind to? These people aren’t magical unicorns who are gifted with goal-crushing skills, but they all have something in common. Focus. Every person sets goals in ...
Tips for Staying Focused When Working from Home
Working from home is beautiful and glamorous and it is something many of us picture when we think of the perfect life…I mean, getting paid while I am in pajamas? Heck yes, count me in!!! Then comes time to work from home…and your dog is being extra cute, your dishes are piling up in the sink, ...