Lately, I have been looking to become more intentional with my morning routine. After all the way you start your day is how you will feel the rest of the day. I have noticed that when I start my mornings rushed I feel anxious and restless for the rest of the day. And when I start my ...
morning routine
How to Start Your Day with Clarity and Focus
Do you start your day with clarity and focus? The way you start your morning sets the tone for your entire day. Picture this: you hit snooze one time too many and are scrambling to get out the door. You are already starting the day impatient and with a negative mindset. Somehow, ...
10 Morning Habits That Will Change Your Life
Do you have a morning routine? Let me rephrase you have a morning routine that looks something like snoozing your alarm 7 times before actually getting out of bed, throwing your hair in a ponytail, and rushing out the door at the very last second? Our morning routine sets the stage ...