If you are reading this, then you might be struggling with comparison or feeling unworthy of success in your life or business. With social media at our fingertips, itās easy to get so caught up in our own heads and question if we should be doing the things we want to do. Confidence in life ...
confidence tips
How to Embrace Failure
No one particularly enjoys failing. As humans, we try to avoid situations where we could potentially fail as much as possible. However, with failure comes growth and new learning opportunities. If we never failed, we would not grow. We would instead stay stuck in our ways, and it ...
How to Run a Business with an Introvert Personality
All my life people told me I was shy and quiet and honestly, some of them even judged me for it saying I am anti-social and reserved. This is true to an extent, yes I am quiet because I am observant. I am shy but only when I first meet you, then I open up to you. I am not anti-social, I just ...