Are you ready for a happy mind and healthy body? These self-empowerment affirmations are written to help you go from feeling uninspired to feeling more empowered and inspired in your mind and body. Your thoughts have the power to shape your outer reality. Thus, your thoughts about yourself can ...
20 Powerful Positive Affirmations for Self-Love
In the fast-paced world of life, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of work and personal responsibilities. We often find ourselves pouring our energy into our businesses, work, and family sometimes forgetting to nourish the most important relationship of all - the one with ...
10 Mindful Mantras to Embrace in the New Year
Mindful Mantras for the New Year What is a mantra? It can have a few meanings, but one of the best analogies is that a mantra is an anchor. It moors you to your values, transforming them into guiding principles to live your life. Mantras can reenergize and revitalize you when your energy flags ...
30 Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Success
30 Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Success As you learn and grow on your self-development journey you may or may not have heard of affirmations before. Affirmations are one of the best tools to help you practice mindfulness and help you to turn your vision of your dream life into a ...
50 Positive Nighttime Affirmations for Sleep & Anxiety
50 Positive Nighttime Affirmations for Sleep and Anxiety As the day winds down and you lay in bed, it may be difficult for you to fall asleep. You may be tossing and turning or staring at the ceiling just wanting to get some rest. Your head is filled with the burdens from the day or all ...
5 Positive Affirmations to Repeat Every Day
Repeating daily positive affirmations are so important for your mind, body, and soul. Highs and lows, that's what life is all about. The struggles in the daily grind that we often stumble upon, I know it's excruciating! But guess what, we can not control the things around us, nor can we ...