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Some people view confidence as a personality trait you’re born with, but that’s not always true. While some people have high self-esteem from the get-go, others need to practice it just like any other skill. If you’ve never been a confident person, don’t worry. There are plenty of simple ways you can work on your confidence and become more self-assured.
1. Clear Comparison Tendencies
The first step to feeling more confident is to stop pitting yourself against others. Envy is a natural emotion, but you can’t allow it to control you. Constant comparison will only make you feel worse about yourself. Even if you compare yourself to someone and feel good about it, it’s not a healthy outlook. Confident people can celebrate their successes and those of others.
You can start by putting your phone down. A survey found that 93% of respondents compare themselves to others on social media. A digital detox avoids overexposure of people’s experiences and helps you remove those tendencies.
When you come back, set limits on your screen time. Teach yourself to be happy with other people’s victories instead of feeling jealous. One strategy you can try is to turn off like counts on platforms like Instagram so you won’t compare your posts to someone else’s.
2. Adopt Self-Affirmations
Practice saying some self-affirmations daily to replace any negative thoughts you might have. Taking the time to channel some of these sentences in the morning sets the tone for the rest of the day. Doing them over time can also help you stay more optimistic and, ultimately, more confident.
Make sure to pick self-affirmations you believe in. Simple sentences like “I am improving day by day” or “I did my best the day before and I will confidently try to do the same today” can contribute more to your esteem than you’d think. You can work yourself up to other declarations like “I am worthy of love and respect from myself, my peers and the world around me.”
3. Learn to Accept Compliments
Another habit to pick up to feel more confident is taking compliments. Insecurity can often give you urges to counter the praise with a dismissive remark. Instead of saying, “No, that’s not true,” try to train yourself to say thank you instead.
Accepting compliments is acknowledging people’s high regard for you. When people believe in you, you have the ammunition to mimic that energy for yourself. You can even write it down and echo it throughout the week.
4. Build Positive Relationships
One underrated factor in building confidence is to surround yourself with positive people. Do you have a friend or coworker who acts jealous when you accomplish something or dismisses your success? Sarcastic comments and jealousy can stick with you subconsciously, making you second guess whether you should feel proud of yourself.
Speak up about the toxicity in those relationships. Bid them goodbye if they continue to put you down. You deserve to have a positive and supportive network of relationships. Find the people who cheer for your growth instead of sticking to those threatened by it.
5. Care for Your Body
So much confidence can come from how you feel physically – and this isn’t about your appearance or fitness. Even the most fit person can feel down when they’re tired or lacking energy.
It’s important to give yourself the rest and nutrients you need to get through the day. When you’re rested, energized and nourished, you feel like you can take on any challenge. Here are some ways to take care of your body:
- Diet: Having a balanced diet energizes and strengthens your body. Variety in your meals is essential for nutritional balance. Explore healthy carbs, fibers and fats, as well as daily servings of fruits and vegetables to feel like your best self.
- Exercise: Exercising does more than just strengthen your body. It’s also a way to improve your mental health and confidence. Instead of focusing solely on losing weight when you exercise, think about how physical activity can strengthen your brain, relieve stress and energize you.
- Sleep: Sleep can solve just about any problem. A good night’s rest helps you think more clearly and be more present. You can feel more confident in your daily decisions when you’re alert and level-headed. Getting enough sleep also improves your mood, so you’ll feel more optimistic during the day.
6. Express Yourself Through Style
Embracing your personal style is an unexpectedly effective way to improve your confidence. Think about the last time you wore something that didn’t fit you right or didn’t match your personality. You probably felt self-conscious all day.
Wearing clothes you love and feel comfortable in will instantly boost your confidence. If you’re trying to find your personal style, try asking yourself these questions:
- Do I feel like myself when I wear this?
- Do I actually like this item, or is it just trendy?
- What clothes in my closet do I feel most comfortable in?
- Do I have clothes that don’t fit me or complement my features?
- Are there certain styles or people I admire and want to emulate?
Do a closet cleanout and purge anything that doesn’t make you feel confident. Then, be thoughtful every time you buy something new. Avoid falling for trends or peer pressure, and stick with your preferred style.
7. Find What You’re Good At
Another confidence booster is the activities you partake in. Doing what you’re good at can bring so much personal satisfaction. Here are some examples to help out with this self-discovery:
- Excel in your job: The typical worker clocks in eight hours a day and five times a week. Since you’re spending a lot of time in it, try to find a position where you excel. It’s a boost of confidence to do well in the workplace.
- Engage in hobbies: Hobbies are a great way to build your confidence, because you can track your progress over time. You won’t be good at something right away, but that’s okay. As you start to get better, you’ll feel more confident and excited to continue growing.
- Nurture your skills: When you do find something you excel at, don’t stop. Whether it’s a project at work or a new hobby, continue to nurture your skills and find new ways to build on them.
8. Value Your Time and Worth
Self-confident people understand the value of their time and put themselves first. For example, learning how to say no to tasks and situations. About 56% of American women would describe themselves as people-pleasers. Being compliant can eliminate confrontation, but you need to learn how to set boundaries with other people.
You also have to recognize your self-worth and be more kind to yourself. You put so much hard work into your life and who you are, even when you don’t recognize it. Treat yourself or just pat yourself on the back for meeting your goals.
Exude More Confidence
Women are held to almost impossible standards, making self-confidence seem challenging. However, you need to hold your head high throughout life. Trust yourself, your personal qualities and the decisions you make and you’ll have little to no regrets.

Cora Gold

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