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“The most wonderful time of the year” can also be the most stressful time of the year if you don’t make time to practice self-care. Prioritizing self-care during the holiday season is one of the smartest things you can do! With all the extra things on your plate, it can be hard to make time for yourself. The reality is, you will only have time for self-care if you make it a priority.
So, how exactly are you supposed to prioritize self-care during the holiday season when you also need to spend time with friends and family, cook meals, go to work, and still follow through with all your other responsibilities? Look, it’s not always easy and no one said it would be but there are ways to take care of yourself even when you need to do so many other things.
Self-care during the holidays: why you need it
Have you ever been so busy throughout the holiday season that when it’s finally over you came down with a cold or just felt terrible? Self-care is important because your body can get so run down with all the extra to-dos and events.
If your physical health wasn’t enough reason to prioritize self-care then think about your mental health.
For many people, the holiday season can be very tiring when you are surrounded by people at all times and possibly even having to be around family members you don’t particularly enjoy.
Protecting your overall well-being during the busy holiday season should be a priority if you want to end the season feeling good and ready for what’s next.
Other reasons why you should be practicing self-care during the holiday season:
– It’s fun to engage in self-care
– You will have more energy
– It can reduce anxiety (this is especially important if group settings are not your favorite thing)
– It builds self-confidence (perfect when having to face family you may not see often)
Different ways to prioritize yourself during the holidays

There is no right or wrong way to practice self-care. There are also so many ways to do it so if one way isn’t your cup of tea, maybe another way will be! You are the boss of your own life so whatever form of self-care works for you is the one you should do!
If you are wondering how you’re supposed to prioritize yourself during the busy holiday season then keep reading!
Take a break
Sometimes you just need a break from all the festivities. Don’t feel bad for stepping away for a few minutes or even canceling a plan. Your mind and body need breaks. If you find yourself getting overwhelmed your first step is to take a break.
Put your phone away
Social media takes up enough of our time as it is so don’t let it take more of your precious time this holiday season. Take pictures, and share memories, but don’t get stuck in the scroll. Make sure you take time away from your phone and focus on being present! When you find yourself needing a break (see above), try not to rely on your phone the whole time. Self-care is not just distracting yourself… so make sure to put the phone away and do something else that makes you feel good!
Be okay with saying no
You may find yourself with too many plans and not enough time. It’s okay to say no to someone! Part of prioritizing yourself is being realistic about where you can spend your time. Also keep in mind, if you are saying yes to every single thing you are also saying no to yourself! You can kindly say no to your friends and family. Setting boundaries is actually a positive thing!
Set aside “you” time every day
Try to find 30 minutes each day just for you! During that time you might exercise, read a book, watch TV, cook a meal, or do anything you want. Being alone and spending time with yourself and your thoughts is a great form of self-care.
Do your favorite holiday things
Who doesn’t like to do their favorite things?! If you have a favorite festive activity, make sure you prioritize that! Do you enjoy picking out the Christmas tree? Do it. Is the local market your favorite place to shop over the holidays? Spend time there. It doesn’t need to be elaborate but it does need to be something you truly enjoy!
Get enough sleep
Go to bed at a reasonable time and be real with yourself when you are tired! Just get enough sleep, okay?
Eat well and without guilt
One of the hardest things for people over the holidays is food. If you tend to stress about the food and drinks over the holidays try to just enjoy it. Of course, everything is in moderation, but remember that you are allowed to treat yourself. If you do choose to indulge in the yummy food leave the guilt behind (it is just once a year after all).
Aside from eating well, you should also still visit your doctors. Be sure to visit a physician and a dental professional like this dentist who does dental implants in Jefferson City.
Holiday self-care checklist
Looking for some self-care ideas for over the holidays in a neat little list? Well, here it is!
Some basic self-care:
Eat breakfast
Move your body
Take a warm bath
Talk to a friend or family member
Holiday self-care checklist:
Decorate your home
Light a winter candle
Watch a Christmas movie
Take a day off work (if possible)
Take yourself on a date to do some festive things
Bake a sweet treat
Do a Christmas craft
Read a holiday-themed book
Go for a snowy walk
Grab a Starbucks holiday drink
Volunteer your time
In Conclusion
Is it possible to totally get rid of your stress during the holidays? No, I don’t think so. However, you can focus on the things that are in your control (like self-care).
Self-care during the holidays is crucial for your overall well-being.
Being extra busy and having more responsibilities can really weigh on you but prioritizing yourself and your health can take away some of the unnecessary stress and overwhelm.
How do you prioritize yourself during the holiday season?

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO, a Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, and a Holistic Nutritionist. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog or her online shop Balanced Vibes Co., she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

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