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Are you a dreamer?
Do you sometimes feel like executing your dreams is the hardest part due to fear and self-doubt?
It is normal to be afraid and to feel like there is a chance you could fail. Those feelings are just your mind trying to protect you.
But you know what?
YOU are a capable human being.
If there is a dream in your heart, then it is there for a reason. It is there for you to bring to life.
On the other side of self-doubt is a life that you deserve to live—one where you are fully living your dreams and living a life that you are worthy of living.
In order to get to that space, you must learn to let go of self-doubt.
Tips to overcome self-doubt and make your dreams your reality
Stop comparing your journey to the journey of others
It is really easy to open up Instagram and feel like everyone except for you has “made it”.
The truth is, you can’t compare the first page of your story to the middle of someone else’s book.
Everyone is on different journeys with different timelines, setbacks, and challenges.
People like to share their triumphs and fancy titles and achievements without the messy middle. They glance over the long nights and failures. No one reaches the point they would like to be without these things.
Trust in your journey and do not compare it to the journey of others. You are on your own unique path.
Embrace the feeling of fear, and then do it anyway
Although sometimes annoying and frustrating, fear actually has good intentions. It is trying to protect you. That feeling can be appreciated when it is protecting you from danger, but failure really isn’t dangerous.
Fear and self-doubt go hand-in-hand, because they are trying to protect you from failure.
Embrace that feeling and understand that it is a normal way to protect yourself.
When it comes to chasing your dreams; however, you don’t need to be protected. You need to lean into that discomfort and uncertainty and pursue them fearlessly.
Related Reads:
• 30 Positive Affirmations for Confidence and Success
• How to Be More Confident in Life and Business
Focus on your ‘why’ daily
For every dream you want to chase, you should have a ‘why’.
It does not matter what that is, as long as it is enough to motivate you on the hard days and keep you moving forward.
Your ‘why’ might be to provide for your family or get out of debt or simply to live a happier, more fulfilled life.
Know and understand your ‘why.’
Make your ‘why’ the center of everything that you do.
Write it down daily, put it up on your wall, do whatever you need to do to make sure you are constantly reminding yourself of it.
Reverse engineer the result you’d like to achieve
Reverse engineering is a great way to troubleshoot your plan. You might feel tempted to jump in by doing everything that you see others doing, but those may not be the best moves for you.
As you are chasing your dreams, what is the end result?
Perhaps your end result is you make $100K. That is a great goal and dream to have!
Reverse engineer exactly how you are going to make that happen. What offers will you come out with? How many sales will you need to make?
Reverse engineering will help you let go of self-doubt and believe that you can do this.
Have a backup plan
Self-doubt can be really loud when there is a lot of risk involved.
Do you have a backup plan in place as you are chasing your dreams?
Yes, you are capable of making your dreams a reality, but that doesn’t mean that you should not have a safety net in case anything falls through.
Be sure to have a backup plan. Whether that is a savings account, the ability to work a part-time job, or your spouse’s income, having this backup plan in place will help you to feel more confident and less doubtful as you chase your dreams.
Surround yourself with a supportive community of people
Support and accountability are crucial as you are learning how to navigate chasing your dreams.
Take a look at who you have in your corner.
The people closest to you in your life may not fully understand what you are doing, and that is okay! Not everyone will, and not everyone has to.
Be sure to find people who do understand and support you. This might be through a local organization, a Facebook group, or mutual friends. These people should be there to lift you up when you are feeling down and celebrate your wins with you.
Acknowledge and overcome your limiting beliefs
Your limiting beliefs keep you small. They try to convince you that you are not qualified, old enough, young enough, smart enough, etc. They can be the biggest thing standing between you and your dreams, and they can really add to any self-doubt you are feeling.
In order to work through your limiting beliefs, you must acknowledge them.
Take some time to journal any limiting beliefs you may feel about yourself and your work. Being aware of these is the first step.
Understand that taking a risk outweighs regret of not trying
Risk can be scary—no doubt about that. However, would you rather take a risk (with a backup plan in place, of course) or feel regret for what could have been for the rest of your life?
When it comes to chasing your dreams, taking that risk is always worth it. Sure, you may feel some self-doubt and yes you could fail, but if you don’t try then you never know what could come out on the other side.
Final Thoughts
Everyone can fall prey to self-doubt from time to time, especially when they are chasing their dreams. No one wants to fail. No one enjoys leaving their comfort zone if there is a chance that things won’t turn out well.
However, if you practice leaning into the discomfort, you could discover your dream life.
Take these tips on how to let go of self-doubt, implement them, and use them to chase your dreams.
There are good things waiting for you on the other side of fear.

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Sometimes we really need an action plan. <3
Thanks for reading Katharine!