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Mindful Mantras for the New Year
What is a mantra? It can have a few meanings, but one of the best analogies is that a mantra is an anchor. It moors you to your values, transforming them into guiding principles to live your life.
Mantras can reenergize and revitalize you when your energy flags and help you keep going through adversity. They can help you build resilience and resist impulsive behaviors that don’t serve you and create unnecessary trouble.
The new year is the perfect time to reflect on mindful mantras to keep you on track with your resolutions and life goals. Feel free to personalize yours however you like to speak to your heart.
Here are 10 mindful mantras to embrace in the new year.
1. “Today, I Will Embrace the Pura Vida”
Do you find yourself reacting with extreme negativity to minor annoyances? At best, you waste time feeling upset at something you can’t change. At worst, you engage in maladaptive behaviors like throwing a temper tantrum at work and damaging your career.
Stay centered by reciting the above mantra throughout the day. What is the “pura vida?” It’s a Costa Rican concept similar to the English “stop and smell the roses.” It means to dust off your shoulders when things don’t go well and take life less seriously, shifting your mindset away from mundane headaches and reflecting on what truly matters.
2. “I Am Happiest When I Take Care of Myself”
Do you put off self-care under the mistaken idea that it’s selfish? Banish that notion from your noggin. Self-care is so important to health that the World Health Organization defines it as activities that help you manage existing diseases while preventing new ones. It’s a vital part of your daily routine.
Recite this mantra when you feel tempted to skip the gym, hit the unhealthy drive-thru, or tumble into bed with unbrushed teeth. You know that you feel better when you practice positive self-care — remind yourself that you deserve this time.
3. “Healthy Boundaries Are a Way of Showing Love”
Maybe you put your needs last because you prioritize others. It’s noble to do what you can to be kind, generous, and helpful, but you also can’t pour from an empty pitcher. Ask yourself what’s better: saying no nicely or yes when you’re exhausted, only to darken the event and possibly destroy a relationship because you can’t hide your resentment?
When you look at it that way, you recognize that healthy boundaries are a way of showing love. It’s saying, “You are so important to me that I only want to give you my best, and I can only do that if I take care of myself, too.”
4. “I Can Learn a Lot From Water”
What can you learn from water? This substance might seem inviting and forgiving when you dive into a cool pool on a hot day. However, it can also transform stone, carving away even the hardest rock given sufficient time.
Use this mantra when you need to remind yourself that persistence pays off. Most tales of overnight success are anything but — you only see the results of years of hard work. Be patient and keep plugging away at your efforts.
5. “I Have Overcome Obstacles in the Past and Am Confident I Will Do So Again in the Future”
Everyone gets down sometimes. That’s not a choice — but you can influence whether you bounce back or wallow in melancholy.
Turn to this mantra the next time you feel disappointed when things don’t go your way despite your efforts.
Related Reads:
• 25 Positive New Year Affirmations
• 30 End of Year Journal Prompts for Self-Reflection
• 6 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep
6. “I Can Always Choose Kindness”
You might be one of many who feel depressed because you feel little freedom and agency in life. You know you should stay home sick — but you have that pesky rent payment. You’d love to spend the holidays with family, but flying home means coming up short on other bills.
When it feels like life gives you few options, remember you always have the freedom to choose kindness. Then, turn your dark mood around by helping someone less fortunate.
7. “My Value Is Not My Net Worth”
Modern society emphasizes money to the detriment of human relationships. However, consider this: If you died tomorrow, your boss would probably hire someone new by the end of the week. Your closest loved ones would mourn much longer — you’re dispensable at work but indispensable at home.
Use this mantra to remind yourself that no matter how little you have in the bank, you’re still the world to those who love you most.
8. “Life Is a ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ Novel”
Remember “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? Guess what? You might not have recognized it as a child, but these fun little novels teach life lessons.
The next time you feel indecisive, turn to this mantra. What do you think the next chapters of your life will look like if you choose A over B?
9. “Time Is the Greatest Gift I Have to Give”
Your time on Earth is finite. That makes it more valuable than anything you can buy.
Recite this mantra when your loved ones drop hints about too many late nights at the office. It’s one thing to burn the midnight oil if you’re short on rent, but is it worth it to miss your child’s recital for an extra $100 to blow on trinkets?
10. “I Can’t Always Control How Others Treat Me. I Can Always Control the Energy I Show to Others”
Everyone is at a different point in their journey. That means they can sometimes treat you carelessly, even cruelly. Responding in kind only pumps more negativity into the world — it seldom solves problems.
Ultimately, the only thing you control is your attitude. You can’t force someone else to treat you as you would like to be treated. However, this mantra reminds you that you don’t have to let their thoughtlessness affect your behavior — take pride in acting according to your higher self.
Mindful Mantras to Embrace in the New Year
The right mantra is an anchor, mooring you to your values as you navigate life’s sometimes stormy seas. Isn’t it time to revitalize your repertoire for the new year?
Perhaps your soul resonates with one of these mindful mantras to embrace in the new year. Modify them any way you like and repeat them as often as necessary to stay true to your guiding star.
Which ones are your favorite mindful mantras?

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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