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Every day we are on a mission to discover who we are and to become the best version of ourselves.
Sometimes we are in a constant-on mode just trying to keep our head above water and getting through our busy days that we actually don’t take the time to reflect on our lives, who we actually are, what we like, and who we are meant to be.
This is when journaling should come in.
Journaling helps you to find clarity.
Taking time to reflect in a peaceful spot with a journal will help you to discover who you are as a person, your desires, and your goals.
I wrote this in the first person so you can ask yourself these questions instead of it seeming like I am asking you the question.
That way you are having these moments of self-awareness by yourself.
Here are 75 journal prompts to help you with self-discovery.
Self-Discovery Journal Prompts
1. What does my dream life look like? Describe it in detail.
2. What emotion am I feeling right now?
3. List 6 things that put a smile on my face.
4. What does being happy mean to me?
5. What does being successful mean to me?
6. Do I need to forgive myself for anything?
7. What is my morning routine? Does it help me start my day in a positive way?
8. What is my biggest fear?
9. In my life right now, what am I in control of?
10. Do I have a bucket list? Write it out or create one now.
11. What are my biggest strengths and weaknesses?
12. What makes me feel fearless?
13. 5 words that describe me are…
14. What is my biggest struggle at the moment?
15. I feel the calmest and at peace when…
16. 8 things that I love about myself are…
17. What are my top 3 goals in life?
18. 3 things that I cannot live without are…
19. What healthy habits do I want to implement into my life?
20. How have I changed from a year ago? 5 years ago? 10 years ago?
21. What is something that not a lot of people know about me?
22. Describe what the best version of myself will look like.
23. An unhealthy habit that I will like to change is…
24. What is something I learned this month? This year?
25. How do I want others to remember me?
26. What do I like to do in my free time? Any hobbies?
27. What mistakes have I learned from?
28. When I look in the mirror, what do I see?
29. What are my motivations and my why?
30. When faced with a difficult decision, I react by…
31. How do I like to unwind and relax?
32. What can I remove from my life that is no longer serving me?
33. What is my favorite time of day? Why?
34. What is something I will like to improve on?
35. 3 things I am grateful for right now are…
36. What is my proudest accomplishment?
37. What does self-care mean to me?
38. How can I step outside of my comfort zone?
39. What are some limiting beliefs that are holding me back from my goals and dreams?
40. What do I need more of in my life?
41. How can I show myself more self-love?
42. What am I super passionate about?
43. What does my ideal day look like?
44. Things that I do well are…
45. What is something I need to let go of?
46. My life in one word is ______. (explain why that word was chosen)
47. What have I accomplished this year so far?
48. When do I have the most confidence in myself?
49. What distractions stop me from being productive? How can I eliminate this?
50. When do I feel most in tune with myself?
51. How have I grown as a person mentally, physically, and spiritually?
52. My dream business or career is…. (describe in detail)
53. Complete this sentence: I spend too much time on…. (explain why)
54. Do I worry about money? If so, what would ease my mind about it?
55. What is my favorite type of workout? How does it make me feel?
56. Are the different areas in my life balanced?
57. Do I currently like the area that I live in?
58. How can I achieve my goals and my dream life?
59. Which area of my life do I feel like I need to improve on the most?
60. What area am I doing amazing and what am I proud of right now?
61. What failure in my life has helped me to grow?
62. My daily routine consists of…what is working and what can I improve on?
63. What is something I want to learn?
64. What insecurities do I have? How can I cope with them?
65. What overwhelms me the most?
66. Five positive affirmations I need to repeat every day are…
67. What are my sleeping habits like? Is it benefiting me?
68. What makes me laugh a lot?
69. What triggers my anxiety and how can I deal with it?
70. My dream house consists of…
71. What values are important to me?
72. What do I keep putting off? Why do I keep putting it off and how can I stop?
73. Do I overthink or overanalyze anything in particular?
74. How does social media make me feel?
75. What do I believe in?
Final Thoughts
Self-discovery journal prompts help you to discover who you are as a person and also your purpose in life, and ultimately help you to become the best version of yourself.
Journaling is great when it comes to your personal development journey. It can help with getting all your thoughts out, self-awareness, and lowering stress levels.
I hope you enjoyed these journal prompts for self-discovery and it has helped you to find some clarity within yourself.
Remember to take it slow and write just one journal prompt at a time.
Just let your words flow.
After writing take a few moments to yourself to reflect on what you wrote.
Time to embrace yourself, become the best version of yourself, and live the life of your dreams!

Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.

Great post, Michelle! Definitely pinning this for later. Lots of thought-provoking ideas to think about!
Thank you Jill! Glad you enjoyed it!