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If you have come to realize that you could probably be taking better care of your spine, you are not alone. Many of us need to improve how we treat our spines, and it’s something that is going to be really important to bear in mind for sure. Looking after the spine is important not just for the back itself, but for the whole body and even the mind, so it’s something that you need to make sure you are doing right.
In this post, we’ll discuss just some of the things you can do to ensure that you are better caring for your spine. Even if you only do a few of these, you should find that it’s much more likely you are going to have a healthier, happier spine and that your body as a whole improves too.
How to Take Better Care of Your Spine
Posture Is Key
You obviously do need to try and have good posture if you want to look after your spine, and this is something that is likely going to need some work, especially if you have not thought about your posture in a long time and you think it might currently be quite poor. With that in mind, it’s really important to think about some of the main ways in which you should be able to improve your posture, from when you are sitting to when you are standing. Even small changes can help in a big way here.
For instance, when you are sitting, you should aim to keep your feet flat, and knees at hip level, and avoid slouching. You can use a small lumbar pillow to help with this so that you can maintain your lower back’s natural curve.
When you are standing, you should aim to distribute your weight as evenly as possible, on both feet. If you are standing for long periods of time, shift your weight occasionally or use a footrest. In any case, you are going to find that you are much more likely to have good posture just from practicing these simple things – and this will mean you are already caring for your spine so much more.
Move Around More
If you are sitting a lot throughout your day, you might find that moving around a little more is a good idea too. This is something that can be really vital to consider and you should try to find a way to move around so that you are naturally getting quite active. It’s amazing how much of a difference this can make to your spine and to how your body feels in general, so it’s something you should think about for sure.
Ideally, you will stand up every half hour or so and take a good stretch, or even take a short walk. You can also use a standing desk if possible, but standing all day isn’t great either, so make sure you are switching it up either way. As well as a standing desk, you might consider getting an adjustable desk which you can either sit or stand at.
Strengthen Your Core
Having a strong core is vital if you want to care for your back. Why? When you exercise or lift something heavy, if you don’t have a core that you can engage easily, your spine will be taking more of the pressure and doing more of the work. This means it is more likely to become injured and strained. So if you have a strong core, you are going to be protecting your spine whenever you do any strenuous activity of any kind.
As it happens, there are lots of workouts that strengthen the core easily enough. That includes planking, dead bugs, and bridges. You can also consider doing some yoga or something similar to help with being more limber, which in turn makes such practices easier and puts even less strain on your spine.
Visit The Chiropractor
If you want to get some professional help with your spine, you might want to consider visiting a chiropractor at some point or another in your life. The best chiropractic care is generally that which is based on your own needs specifically and which responds to you, so this is what you should look out for. But the certain thing is that having the help of a good chiropractor is going to help you to have a much stronger spine and that this is going to lead to many fewer injuries on the whole.
It’s really important therefore that you look out for such a professional, and that you do all you can to make use of them when you find them. You are going to find that this really helps you a lot and that you have a much better spine as a result.
Having a regular good old stretch is a very simple thing you can do to work on your spine and to ensure you are caring for it more, so this is something that you are certainly going to find helpful as well. You should do this, as we have seen, when you are sitting for long periods of standing all day, but also you should make a point of doing it generally anyway. That way, you are much more likely to be able to care for your back effectively, and it’s amazing just how much of a difference this really can make.
Be Careful How You Lift
Whether you are lifting weights or just lifting heavy stuff at work, you need to make sure that you are lifting carefully and smartly. You need to do all you can to keep your back straight as you lift and to use your legs, as this means you will be less likely to strain your back. Of course, you can learn to lift better and that is always going to help, but it’s mostly just about taking care when you do lift and using your common sense.
Taking care of your spine is one of the best things you can do for your overall health and well-being. By making small adjustments to your posture, staying active, strengthening your core, and practicing safe lifting techniques, you can prevent unnecessary strain and discomfort. Regular stretching and, if needed, professional care from a chiropractor can further support a healthy, pain-free spine.
Remember, even small changes can make a big difference. Start incorporating these habits into your daily routine, and your spine will thank you for years to come. A strong, well-cared-for spine means better movement, less pain, and a healthier, happier life.

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