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Negative energy can weigh you down, making once-pleasant daily tasks seem like chores and souring your mood. These dark unseen forces can affect your home, workplace and aura. How can you release them holistically?
People have employed various techniques to rid themselves of negative spirits since time immemorial, their practices often shrouded in religious mysticism. However, you don’t need to follow a particular faith system or believe in a higher power to use holistic means to shake off bad vibes. Many of the techniques referenced below have science to support their use, even among atheists.
Are you ready to shrug off the dark cloud weighing on your shoulders? Here are five ways to release negative energy holistically.
1. Employ Crystal Healing
If you don’t think crystals contain magic, you’ve never worn a quartz watch or operated a computer. The orderly arrangement of molecules in these long-lasting stones makes them ideal for technological applications and for amplifying your positive intentions during rituals. After all, all of life is in perpetual motion at the molecular level. Ancient medical texts from Egypt and the Hindu Vedas speak of their efficacy in manipulating subtle energies.
Different crystals have various healing properties. For example, paraiba tourmaline is thought to aid mental clarity and ease stress, which is helpful as today’s hectic lifestyles often lead to exhaustion and brain fog. What other crystals should you consider holding when engaging in guided meditation or carry as a “worry stone” to rub throughout the day? Here are some options:
- Xanthite: This light green stone aligns with your heart chakra, releasing pent-up anger and negativity.
- Selenite: It honors the moon and cleanses and uplifts the energy of any space, making it ideal for new-home cleansings.
- Amethyst: Known by the ancient Greeks as the “sobriety stone,” this gem fights intoxication and mental fog that leads to maladaptive behaviors — and regret.
- Clear quartz: Clear quartz absorbs negative energy like a sponge. It’s perfect for keeping in your pocket or wearing on a locket to deflect bad vibes like garlic repels a vampire.
2. Sweat It Out
Most people consider anger a negative energy — but you can harness it for a positive purpose. Turn that rage into pre-workout fuel. Hit the gym and hit it hard.
Exercise is perhaps the best way to release negative energy as nature intended — through fight or flight. Your body can’t distinguish between jogging on a treadmill or fleeing a hungry lion. It only knows it’s doing what it should, and your stress hormones react accordingly.
Exercise, especially vigorous workouts, raises free circulating cortisol levels, a stress hormone many have in abundance, thanks to the demands of modern life. Here’s the kicker, though — there’s an inverse relationship between the stress from wailing away at a punching bag and the psychological sort that arises from too many bills.
Working out tones your vagus nerve, making your HPA axis less reactive to psychological stressors that might otherwise progress to full-blown anxiety. Fitness really does make you tough and gives you grit in more ways than one.
You can also use gentle physical movement to nurture and repair your body and soul after releasing all that negative energy during HIIT class. Healing practices such as restorative yoga also improve vagal tone by tapping into your parasympathetic nervous system — your “rest and digest” side that calms you.
3. Scribble Your Thoughts
Writing puts your thoughts on paper, solidifying them, making them real, and forcing you to take an objective look at how healthy or unhealthy they are. Journaling can be a powerful way to release negative energy holistically by tuning you into the chorus of maladaptive ideas that you might not otherwise notice but which influence your behavior and mood. For example, how often have you dropped something and said aloud, “I’m so clumsy” or “I’m such an idiot.”
You don’t need that internal critic, and journaling lets you kick it to the curb. It can also help you let go of rumination about other people’s behavior, which is beyond your control. For example:
- You could write an angry message to your boss explaining how their return-to-the-office demands adversely affect you and your family — on paper, not the company email server.
- You could ream out your partner for leaving the toilet seat up in the middle of the night again, causing you to get a wet rear end, then rip it up before it causes an argument.
Whatever you do, avoid using electronic means to pen your innermost thoughts for two reasons. Studies suggest that writing by hand engages you mentally more than typing. Furthermore, you protect your privacy and reputation — it’s generally a bad idea to air your private business on social media.
4. Do a Ritual Cleansing
Multiple faiths use ritual cleansing to rinse away negative energies — for example, many Christian religions baptize babies to wash them clean of original sin. You can also use the power of water to dispel negative energies. It’s one reason a long, hot shower or bath feels infinitely soothing.
What should you do for your ritual? It varies, depending on your belief system. However, you can modify or build on these suggestions:
- Go to nature: A natural body of water can rinse away the modern world’s “dirt.”
- Make it a ritual: Even if using your bathtub, light candles, use scented oils and sprinkle flower petals in the water.
- Incorporate sound: There’s a reason music plays a role in many religious rites, and water amplifies the effects. YouTube is a treasure trove of solfeggio frequency music, and 417-hertz is said to dispel negative energies.
5. Perform an Act of Kindness
Perhaps the best way to release negative energy holistically is to turn it around by performing an act of kindness for someone else, even a stranger. That’s because doing good deeds helps you, too. It releases a flood of feel-good neurochemicals like dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin associated with a positive mood. Feeling negative after feeding someone a meal or planting a tree in your local park is nearly impossible.
How to Release Negative Energy Holistically
Is negative energy weighing on you like a wet blanket? Instead of letting it linger, dispel it through holistic means. These practices help you release negative energy holistically. You’ll feel better and make your world brighter in the bargain.

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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