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7 Foods to Balance and Heal Sacral Chakra
Are you feeling a bit stifled lately? Has your innovation and zest for life gone out the window? The problem could lie in an unbalanced sacral chakra.
Your sacral chakra is your center of sensuality and creativity. It embraces the fecundity of life, the ability to endlessly reproduce, and bringing forth new things into the world. When it gets blocked, you feel dull, like you’re dragging yourself through the daily motions.
When your sacral chakra is balanced, your life force energy will flow through your body. Your physical and emotional wellness are at their peak. When your sacral chakra is blocked, you might find less pleasure in daily life and activities that you normally love.
How can you unblock this area and return to blissful well-being? There are seven ways to do so – and diet is one. Here are seven foods to balance and heal your sacral chakra.
1. Seafood
Seafood is high in omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fats your body needs to thrive. They’re critical for keeping your heart pumping, giving you that exhilarating feeling when new ideas are born.
Getting more fish in your diet is not as hard as you think. Participate in Fish Fry Friday and take a tuna salad or wrap one or two days a week for lunch to meet your requirement. Treat yourself to sushi with smoked salmon or tuna. Many people don’t like fish, but there are plenty of ways to try it to see what works for you.
2. Seeds
It’s not surprising that your sacral chakra encompasses your reproductive organs and regenerative ability. How can seeds help? These tiny wonders are chock full of lignans – substances that can improve your fertility and keep your hormones in balance.
If you feel strongly blocked and struggle with messy, irregular menstrual periods, consider giving seed cycling a try. This ancient Ayurvedic remedy consists of eating one to two tablespoons of flax and pumpkin seeds during the follicular stage of your cycle and the same amount of sunflower and sesame seeds during the luteal phase. It may take a few months to work, but it could regulate your cycle and make it easier for you to conceive.
3. Nuts
Did you know that your body makes most of your serotonin in your gut, not in your brain? If your sacral chakra is blocked, you could experience depression symptoms as your brain makes incorrect amounts of this essential neurotransmitter.
Nuts also contain minerals like magnesium, selenium, and zinc, which are necessary for neurotransmitter production. They’re a snap to add to your diet:
- Nosh on nuts instead of salty chips or additive-laden snacks
- Sprinkle a few on your salad instead of croutons
- Get baking! Pecan shortbread cookies, anyone?

4. Cruciferous Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are packed with antioxidants. Vegetables in this category include arugula, bok choy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens and kale. What do they do? They chase pesky free radicals out of your body’s cells, keeping them from causing damage. Cruciferous veggies contain carotenoids, a range of vitamins and fiber, and they may help prevent cancer.
Sure, you can eat more salads – but nearly everything is better when it’s a little crunchy. Try this trick: Use a food processor or veggie chopper to cut broccoli and cauliflower into tiny bits. Blend them into ranch dressing and spread on a wrap or burger. You can also blend them into pasta sauce if you don’t like the taste but want all the amazing benefits. It’s an instant burst of health.
5. Berries
Berries, likewise, are antioxidant powerhouses. The right stay-fresh containers can keep ripe ones from going bad before you eat them. However, if food waste is your bugbear, opt for the dried versions. They’re a snap to sprinkle on salads or into your morning oatmeal, and they last for months.
Smoothies are another easy way to bring more berries into your diet. You can choose whatever ingredients you want and throw them into the blender. You can even meal prep and store them in the freezer so you can enjoy a balanced snack every day with little effort.
6. Dark Chocolate
Your standard chocolate bar has a few perks, but to balance your sacral chakra, opt for dark chocolate. This treat has many nutrients packed in it, including iron, fiber and antioxidants. Dark chocolate is a perfect snack to reach for when you want something sweet and something that will make you feel good.
Do you want even more unblocking of this nerve center from the spiritual plane? Try performing a sacred cacao ceremony by setting an intention to balance your sacral chakra as part of your ritual. This can help you practice mindfulness when you eat and actually enjoy each bite.
7. Kombucha
Finally, drinking kombucha can help unblock and balance your sacral chakra. It’s a rich source of probiotics, which are beneficial bacteria that live in your gut and help keep unhealthy strains in check. A flourishing colony of these good bacteria is crucial for everything from mood support to immune function.
For best results, stick to the non-alcoholic variety. While the alcoholic type confers some benefits, it also has a lower probiotic content. Kombucha is a popular choice for people who live sober by choice or sober curious. If you want to enjoy a beverage at a party or restaurant, without feeling the negative effects of alcohol, try kombucha for a delicious alternative.
Foods to Balance and Heal Your Sacral Chakra
Are you feeling stuck? If so, your sacral chakra could be blocked. Your body and mind have a strong connection, so changes to your physical health can help you achieve balance in all areas. While you should treat yourself to your favorite sweet or salty snacks, eating healthy can do more to make you feel balanced and harmonious.
Feel better quickly with these foods to balance and heal your sacral chakra. You’ll get back your spark and creative spirit in no time!

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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