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Do you find yourself feeling overwhelmed or anxious from time to time?
Are you a self-proclaimed overthinker?
Do some situations seem to stress you out while other people are able to stay calm?
Is your mind constantly racing with new worries or things that need to get done?
If so, do not worry. It happens to all of us—some people are just better at coping with having an anxious mind.
There are lots of things that can cause these thoughts, from daily work and life stresses to finances and drama with family and friends.
The good news is, there are simple ways that you can learn to calm down your anxious mind. Here are some different ideas that you can implement in your life today!
1. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths
Your heart can start to race and your chest can feel heavy whenever you are anxious.
Try doing some breathwork to help your body and mind feel at ease.
Breathwork can reduce stress, but it can also release negative emotions like anger, sadness, and fear.
Just take three deep breaths and be present in the moment.
2. Journal on your thoughts and feelings
When your mind feels anxious, you might be thinking of a hundred things at once.
Journaling brings awareness to these thoughts and feelings and forces you to focus on one at a time.
Get out a notebook and allow the pen to flow.
You might get some clarity or at the very least, feel comfort in writing out what you are experiencing.
3. Do a guided meditation
There are meditations out there for everything—including stress and anxiety.
You can use an app like Insight Timer, or you can simply search for a meditation on Spotify or YouTube.
Meditating helps you be more centered, calm, and present. It will help you quiet your busy mind.
Find a guided meditation that works for you, and don’t worry if it takes some practice.
4. Move your body
Exercise helps reduce stress and release endorphins, which can work wonders for an anxious mind.
Move your body in a way that feels good to you.
You may choose to stretch or do yoga, or you might prefer something more intense like running or weight lifting.
Take at least 10 minutes to get the blood flowing in your body, and then reevaluate how you feel.
5. Step outside for a few moments
Fresh air is medicine for the mind, body, and soul.
Spend a few moments outside, soaking in the sun, listening to the birds, looking up at the blue sky, and breathing in the fresh air. You should almost instantly feel a bit calmer and more present.
Related Reads:
• 12 Ways to Reduce Stress and Feel Calmer
• How to Find Balance When You Are Busy
6. Unplug for a few hours
When your mind is feeling overwhelmed, you don’t need the added stress and simulation that social media and the constant notifications provide.
Unplugging for a few hours can help you process the things that are causing you overwhelm in a healthier way.
Once you feel these emotions, you can heal from them.
7. Limit your caffeine intake
Have you ever felt the caffeine jitters?
You might not mind them when you haven’t gotten much sleep and are struggling to stay awake, but they aren’t going to do you any favors when you have an anxious mind.
Caffeine can actually cause your mind to feel more anxious, so be careful about your intake.
Try to stick to 1-2 cups of coffee a day to avoid feeling more overwhelmed.
8. Create a gratitude list
Sometimes, we just have to put things into perspective.
The things that are causing you to have an anxious mind might be so minor in the grand scheme of things, and it may just be hard to realize that in the moment.
Write down a list of everything you are grateful for.
Practicing gratitude will help you calm down and recognize that there is so much good in your life.
9. Brain dump all of your to-do’s
One reason for having an anxious mind could just be that you have a lot going on.
Your head might be swirling with an endless list of tasks that you have to complete or things you don’t want to forget.
Spend some time brain dumping all of these tasks, chores, and to-do items down on a piece of paper. Once you get them out of your head and onto paper, you should feel much lighter and less overwhelmed.
10. Craft a morning and evening routine that works for you
Even if you dislike structure, anyone could benefit from having a routine.
Do you do the same things every morning and evening to start and end your days on a positive note? If not, it may be time to craft routines.
Your routines should help you feel happier, more at peace, and capable of taking on each day.
11. Listen to calming music
If you are in a crunch for time, this is a simple, fast way to calm an anxious mind.
Find a relaxing playlist, close your eyes, and listen to even just one song.
Music can be so powerful in helping us feel a certain emotion.
Calming music will allow you to slow down and feel more at ease.
12. Get some rest
If you are feeling overwhelmed, you might just be tired and pushing yourself too hard.
Are you getting enough rest each night?
If not, you might want to start prioritizing rest as best as you can in your life. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night if possible.
Rest is crucial in order for you to feel your best.
We all need time to properly recharge before a new day.
Final Thoughts
Having an anxious mind on occasion should not get in the way of your work or life.
Sometimes it takes just slowing down and focusing on the present moment to ease your stress.
Take what resonates best from this list and apply it to your life.
I hope this leaves you feeling more confident in how you can calm down your anxious mind!
Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO and a Holistic Nutritionist + Health Coach. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog and online business, she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.
Nitu Howlader says
Amazing post. Good insight.
Michelle says
Thank you Nitu!
Carly Johnson says
These are very helpful tips! And the freebies going along with it are awesome! Really nice post.
Michelle says
Yay! Glad you like the post and freebies Carly! 😊
Debbie says
These are such valuable tips. Thankyou!
Michelle says
Thank you Debbie!
Kayla says
Good post. I know I am a very anxious person in pretty well every way you can think of. I know that writing stuff down is one of the ways that helps me for sure. My to do lists are usually most of a page in length and once I write them down, I am a little more relaxed because I no longer have to remember them lol.
Michelle says
I am glad that brain dumping everything out helps with your anxiety Kayla!
Shannon Hunter says
Some good insights! I have found that meditation and jogging help me to reduce stress and anxiety.
Michelle says
I am happy to hear those help you Shannon!
Anitra says
These are great tips. I’ve learned that yoga and meditation definitely help me
Michelle says
Thank you Anitra and that is awesome!
Ali says
These are really creative ideas and so helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Michelle says
Glad it was helpful Ali!
Gemma Lawrence says
As someone who suffers from anxiety, these are really helpful tips. I drink a lot of coffee and I had no idea that it could be making my anxiety worse so I will definitely cut down now.
Michelle says
I am glad these tips helped Gemma!