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We’ve probably all been told to get outside more. Spending time in nature is something that benefits you and your body in a variety of ways, and it truly is good for the soul. The best part? It’s free! All you have to do is throw on your shoes and step outside.
Spending more time outside can improve your health and life.
Do you want to know what the benefits of spending time in nature are and how to actually do it successfully? Let’s dive in!
Benefits of Spending Time in Nature
1. It reduces your stress levels
Sometimes the stress and overwhelm we may feel simply comes from being overwhelmed and overstimulated from our work and screens.
When you are outside, distractions are minimized.
Usually, all you have to focus on are the sounds of the birds and watching your footing. This leads to lower levels of stress.
2. You’re able to clear your mind and find more clarity in your life
Because of this peace and quiet and lack of distractions, many people find clarity from being outside.
Whether you are making a big life decision or are trying to inspire your next business idea, spending time in nature can help clear your mind and find the clarity you’re searching for.
3. Walking outside can act as a moving meditation
Did you know walking outside can benefit you in the same way as meditation?
When you walk, focus on the sounds of nature, the smell of the fresh air, the feeling of the ground beneath your feet, and the beautiful sights you see.
Doing all of this instead helps you lean into the present moment, which will allow you to return to your work feeling more focused and motivated.
4. You soak up Vitamin D
Everyone needs Vitamin D, and the sun is one of the best sources out there.
Not only is sunshine good for the soul, but it’s also good for your body.
When you spend some time outside, you also soak up some Vitamin D from the sun. Vitamin D can reduce the risk of certain diseases, support your immune system, help maintain healthy bones, and more.
5. It boosts your creativity
Do you feel like you’ve been in a rut?
Are you craving some more inspiration and creativity?
Get outside!
Just as you may experience some more clarity when you step outside, you also may feel a boost of creativity. This can lead to a new idea or just inspire you to create when you go back inside.
6. Your mood improves and you feel happier
If you’re feeling down, spending time outside could help you feel satisfied and happier with your life.
It may be from the fresh air, sunshine, or simply a change in scenery, but spending time outside is known to make you happier.
Try going outside even for just 10 minutes per day and see how your outlook changes.
7. You can experience more social interaction
If you work from home day in and day out, you may be lacking social interaction.
By spending time outside, you have the opportunity to see and meet more people on a daily basis. This may just mean passing a neighbor during a walk, or you could get involved with local outdoor clubs and activities.
8. It boosts your energy
Do you ever experience the afternoon slump?
If so, try taking your lunch break outside!
Going outside can help boost your energy and make you feel more focused, awake, and present.
Even if you only have time to eat outside, it can still increase your energy levels.
9. It can help you concentrate
If you sometimes feel like you have a “squirrel brain”, prioritize spending a few moments of each day outside.
The indoors have an abundance of screens and distractions, but going outside can help you refocus and recenter yourself so that you can return to your work and concentrate.
10. It’s good for the soul
All in all, spending time in nature is good for the soul.
It can make you happier, healthier, less stressed, and more focused.
It’s like an all-in-one medicine that can cure so many different things, and you may get something different out of it each day.
Try it out, and see how it improves your life!
How to Spend Time in Nature
So you’re sold that spending time in nature is beneficial in a variety of ways, but HOW exactly do you do it?
What if you live in a city and don’t have a lot of nature around?
Or you don’t have time to go on hour-long walks every day or the weather doesn’t allow it?
What if you physically are unable to do that?
No matter where you live, you should be able to find a sliver of the outdoors to enjoy.
– Find a local hiking trail, beach, park, or lake.
– Go for a walk through your city or town, and appreciate the sunshine and fresh air.
– Take your workout outside.
– Opt to sit outside instead of indoors at restaurants.
– Step out onto your balcony for a few minutes in between meetings.
– Have your Uber drop you off a block away so you can walk a few minutes to your destination.
You don’t need a ton of time every day to prioritize time in nature. Just step outside during your workday to soak up a few breaths of fresh air.
Any time spent in nature, even a short amount of time is beneficial. It’s all about making this fit into your existing life and schedule and making it as easy and intentional as possible.
It’s the small, daily actions you take that make the biggest impact on your life, so don’t think that this has to be a monumental shift for you.
Final Thoughts
Most of us spend our weeks cooped up inside our offices, but it’s important to spend time in nature whenever possible.
Hopefully, this post encourages you to prioritize spending time outside for your physical and mental health.
There really is nothing better than sunshine and fresh air.
Go outside and soak it all in!
Michelle Gagliani
Owner & Founder
Michelle is the Founder of The Balanced CEO, a Certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, and a Holistic Nutritionist. She was born and raised in St.Thomas, U.S.V.I., and is currently living in Austin, TX. When she’s not running this blog or her online shop Balanced Vibes Co., she is cozied up at home watching TV, taking long walks in nature, or trying out new healthy recipes.
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