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People have turned to crystals and gemstones since antiquity, hoping to channel their powers. Although they serve as decorative adornments, more mystical uses date back to the ancient Sumerians and appear across multiple cultures.
Today, people use crystals to focus their concentration during meditation. They also use them to beautify their homes creatively while invoking a pleasing mood and atmosphere.
What makes crystals so powerful? What are the most common ones you can use to transform your life? Here’s your beginner’s guide to crystals, gemstones, and their uses.
What Makes Crystals and Gemstones Powerful?
Adherents to crystals and their power believe they contain vibrational energy that harmonizes with yours, helping you unblock chakras that become stuck. They’re said to absorb negative energies, protect the wearer from outside forces and keep you relaxed.
There’s little scientific evidence to support crystal use, although its absence isn’t necessarily indicative they aren’t effective. One study from 1880 showed how temperature and pressure could prompt crystals to produce electricity. Today, you can see this piezoelectric effect in quartz watches, inkjet printers, and various medical implants.
Another study had participants hold real or fake crystals. Participants reported as much impact from the false stones as the real ones, suggesting the placebo effect may play a role. Other than that, there simply isn’t much data to say how well crystals work. It’s a matter of belief.
Crystals have a unique structure, consisting of atoms, ions, and molecules arranged in regular, repetitive patterns, like a three-dimensional snowflake. Even pearls contain this unique internal structure, consisting of aragonite and conchiolin produced by certain mollusks. Aragonite is a gem said to increase energy and self-confidence.
Selected Crystals and Their Meanings
What other gemstones have meanings besides pearls? Here are some you might find in rock shops and their significance.
- Aquamarine: Influences Vishuddha or throat chakra and represents hope.
- Amethyst: Influences Sahasrara or crown chakra and represents serenity.
- Aventurine: Influences Anahata or heart chakra and represents breaking negative connections.
- Garnet: Influences Muladhara or base chakra and represents faithfulness and fidelity.
- Orange Kyanite: Influences sacral or Svadhisthana chakra and represents creativity.
- Opal: Influences Ajna or third-eye chakra and represents thought and concentration.
- Topaz: Influences Manipura or navel chakra and represents the power to direct your energy.
- Lapis Lazuli: Influences Vishuddha and Sahasrara chakras and represents communication with the divine.
- Citrine: Influences Manipura and represents abundance.
- Peridot: Influences Anahata and represents manifesting your visions.
There are hundreds of crystals you can use. A great guide to reference is Judy Hall’s “101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation.”
How to Use Crystals and Gemstones in Daily Life
Once you find the right crystal with the vibration you seek, how can you use it? Here are eight suggestions for using crystals and gemstones in daily life.
1. Carry Them on Your Person
You might have heard of keeping a “worry stone” in your pocket. You can use a crystal for a similar purpose. Anytime you need to channel your energy, you can reach in and hold it to ground yourself. It can also give you confidence on high-pressure days — try putting a piece of citrine in your pocket before your next job interview.
2. Use Them in Conjunction With Feng Shui Principles
If you’re into feng shui, you can use crystals in various places on your bagua map to channel the energies in your home. For example, keeping some garnet in your bedroom or your love and marriage corner is a good idea.
3. Incorporate Them Into Your Self-Care Routine
Did you know you could use crystals to beautify yourself? Seek rose quartz facial rollers to encourage unconditional love from all who gaze upon you.
4. Add Them to an Altar
Use crystals to direct energy to an altar of your religious faith or a meditation corner if you have one. For example, clear quartz represents clarity of thought and enhances psychic abilities.
5. Use Them in Meditation
You can also hold crystals while meditating to channel your desired energy. For example, if you hope to cultivate greater self-love, hold a piece of rhodochrosite or red jasper in either hand while you recite your confidence mantras.
6. Decorate Your Garden
Crystals can bring positive energy to your garden and dispel negative forces. They also look glorious glittering in the sun amid your blooms.
7. Catch the Sun
Crystals look most beautiful when they capture the sun’s rays, sending them into rainbow kaleidoscopes on your home’s walls. You can find commercially made suncatchers. However, you can also create a powerful ritual when you DIY one while focusing on the type of energy you want to cultivate in your pad.
8. Create Beautiful Jewelry
Perhaps the most classic way to incorporate crystals into daily life is to wear them as jewelry. Fortunately, many crystals aren’t dear unless you’re looking at diamonds or emeralds. You can make a necklace yourself or find power crystals on simple silver chains for around $20 to $30 if you’re budget-conscious.
Simple Healing Meditation Using Crystals
It’s easy to create a simple healing meditation using crystals. Such rituals can direct your mental and emotional energies, helping you channel your power and manifest desired results.
Your words and practice may vary slightly depending on your purpose. However, here’s a simple healing meditation ritual you can perform using crystals.
- Enter and greet your sacred space: If you don’t have a dedicated meditation corner, choose a quiet place where no one will disturb you.
- Light a candle: Many people light two, a white one representing purity and a colored one representing the chakra center they need to unblock.
- Get comfortable and hold a crystal in each hand: Assume your favorite meditation position, holding a crystal in each of your hands.
- Focus the energy: Speak your intention and focus on it. You might stare into the candle flame or close your eyes. Feel the energy from the crystals radiate to your palms, up your arms, and flood your entire body with their vibration.
Giving Crystals and Gemstones as Gifts
Crystals and gemstones also make great gifts. Do you know someone who is struggling with a challenging issue? Maybe they don’t believe in the power of crystals, but they’ll gladly accept that necklace or pair of earrings. They’ll treasure a polished gemstone with special meaning if they are open to crystal energy.
Get Clarity on Crystals
People have used crystals since antiquity to harness their energies and manifest their dreams. You can still use them for this purpose today. The clarity and serenity you seek may be a stone’s throw away.

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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