Healing is the process of restoring wholeness and balance. In our moments of pain and distress, we want that to happen quickly and hope for miracles. When you only consider physical ailments and discomfort, it’s understandable that fast solutions seem like the goal. ...
From Chore to Ritual: Steps to Changing the Mindset Around Self-Care and Building a Routine You Love
Hitting an all-time productivity high and checking off goals can feel more than rewarding. After all, seeing our hard work materialize is undoubtedly special and motivating. The truth is, while professional success is something we all want, the modern idealization of hectic schedules and endless ...
5 Ways a Growth Mindset Leads to Success
What does success take? Some people think you have to be born with extraordinary skills or just be lucky. They believe it's only for some people but not others, like it's a rare resource that some people get and everyone else will never have. However, researcher and professor of psychology, Carol ...
How to Love and Accept Yourself Where You Are Right Now
Manifestation & Surrender Manifestation has become a huge buzzword over the last few years but where many miss the mark is by forgetting to love and accept yourself for where you are right now even though that’s not where you want to be or ultimately end up. But why is learning to love and ...
Human Design to Unlock Your Purpose and Potential
Are you feeling burnt out, uninspired, bored with life, or an overall lack of purpose? Human Design might be your answer. It is a rapidly growing spiritual tool that is becoming more and more popular and for good reason. If you have never heard of Human Design before, think astrology meets ...
Failure to Launch (Guest Post by Transformations by Shari)
A great idea was born! “Damn that is good! I can’t believe how good that tastes”, I said to myself after taking a sip of a Pink Lemonade Raspberry Mimosa that I concocted. It was Mother’s Day and my daughter Tara’s 17 birthday, 2011. I was standing in my kitchen when I decided a ...