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Physical and mental wellness is essential to your body’s health, but have you thought about your spiritual side? It’s a vital aspect of the whole self, keeping the body and mind as one through connection to the spirit. While you may equate spirituality and religion, those two don’t have to be the same thing if you don’t want them to be.
Spirituality is about how you connect with and experience the more significant parts of life. It can help you feel grounded, relate to the people around you, and give you a life raft during the rockier moments of living.
Why Spiritual Wellness Is Good for You
Spirituality can help you find a sense of calm when the rest of your life feels like a storm. It gives you the tools to learn about dealing with these situations with a clear head and open heart. Once you start feeling more grounded, you may be more prepared to overcome problems that have racked you with anxiety.
Spiritual wellness can also help you find a sense of belonging. You’ll realize through your journey that every person and animal on Earth is a unique creature. Everyone is looking for love, community, and companionship — possibly like you. Fostering this relationship with yourself can help you see the hope and kindness in others.
Unique Ways to Bring Spirituality to Your Life
Spiritual wellness doesn’t have to mean following a religion. There are plenty of other ways to become a more spiritual person. Here are seven ways to nourish your soul and connect with the world around you.
1. Volunteer in Your Community
Donating your time to helping others is an excellent way to reestablish your connection with yourself and others. Research has found volunteering can enact a positive change in your well-being, perhaps because it gives you a sense of purpose. Try finding a cause you care deeply about and see if you can find some time to give back.
You don’t have to find groups to work with if you’re not much of a social person — you could find some animals to foster. Spending time doing something that shows your love for the world is an excellent way to strengthen your spirituality.
2. Take More Walks
Returning to nature may show you how every living thing has a purpose and is connected. Constant exposure to technology and social media may keep you inside for too long, which isn’t good for your spirit. Strolling through green landscapes like forests and parks could strengthen your empathy and reconnect you with the natural world.
Humans weren’t meant to be inside looking at a screen all day. When you feel like you’ve lost your sense of belonging, find a path through some trees or along a river. Doing so more often can help your soul feel more at peace.
3. Try Aromatherapy
Our sense of smell is strongly connected to our mind. Scents can have calming effects, trigger positive memories and improve your mood. Engaging in aromatherapy is a great way to soothe your mind and spirit.
You can practice aromatherapy in a variety of ways, including candles, incense, oil diffusers, and lotion. Different scents can serve you in different ways. For example, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender have soothing effects, and they can even help relieve headaches. Filling your space with a relaxing scent is a perfect way to set the tone for meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices.
4. Write in Journals
Your dialogue with yourself is just as vital as any communication with others. Keeping a journal makes you put your thoughts into words and place them on a page. If you’re a negative thinker or need to figure out why you feel a certain way, try writing everything down in a stream of consciousness.
Journaling can help you analyze your thoughts and find ways to improve your situation. It can strengthen your connection with yourself, giving your spirituality a little positive nudge.
Related Reads:
• 50 Ways to Nourish Your Mind, Body, and Soul
• The 8 Elements of a Balanced Life
5. Use Crystals
Humans have used crystals for thousands of years to benefit from their healing and metaphysical properties. They can help you relax, eliminate negative energy or center your soul in a calmer place. Some people like to go to crystal stores and see which ones call to them — which can be a sign you need that assistance in your life.
Every crystal has different properties. For example, honey calcite can increase positive emotions, help you sleep, and ground you spiritually.
6. Try Meditation
Much like crystals, meditation is a centuries-old practice for communing with the self and reconnecting with the Earth. Sitting still and concentrating on breathing can help you find peace and refocus your thoughts if they’re heading down a dark path. It teaches you not to chastise yourself for negative emotions, but to feel, acknowledge and release them.
Many people enjoy adding crystals to their meditation practice. Holding them or placing them near you can help you connect with them better and amplify their properties. Using some that encourage your spirituality could be an incredible nourishing pairing.
7. Let Go
One of the best things you can do for your spirituality is to let go of what no longer serves you. What are the parts of your life bringing you down? Perhaps you’ve stayed friends with an unkind person out of convenience or feel tied to a job that doesn’t fulfill your needs. Neither of these things requires your energy if they’re not bringing light to your life.
This doesn’t mean you should ditch all your friends and quit your job, but it may be a sign you should find some boundaries. Tell that person they’re making you uncomfortable or remind yourself your current work may not be exactly what you want, but it helps sustain your way of life. However, if the situation gets too negative, have the strength to cut the cord.
Give Your Spiritual Wellness a Little Love
Your spirit needs as much care as your mind and body. Discovering new ways to nurture your soul and reconnect with the world can give you a much-needed boost. Try these seven unique ways to nourish your spiritual wellness and find the best parts of life.

Cora Gold
Cora Gold is the Editor-in-Chief of Revivalist magazine, a publication dedicated to happy, healthy, and mindful living.

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