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Let it go! Let it go!
“It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all
It’s time to see what I can do
To test the limits and breakthrough
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I’m free”
As I prepared to write this post, the song “Let it go! Let it go!” from Frozen was playing in my head. I decided to look at the lyrics and was struck by how this verse resonated with the message I want to share.
Letting go is part of life!
Letting go while a normal part of life, is vastly avoided and often misunderstood.
Life is evolution… we are always growing and creating. Every action we take results in the creation of sorts. And what I’ve learned is that the creative process is one of both construction and destruction.
Most of us seem to be very comfortable and always easily embrace the construction part, as building something always feels exciting.
But the destruction part, which is an intricate part of creation, we either don’t seem to be aware of nor accept and pretty much avoid like the plague. Why is that?
I believe it’s because we don’t see the gift in it until we learn how to leverage that part of the creative process.
Destruction defined
Let’s start with what destruction means because I believe herein lies much of the misconceptions. Often, the energy of words can lead us to have some emotionally charged ideals around them.
In the Merriam-Websters dictionary, destruction is defined as the state or fact of being destroyed: RUIN. Yikes… that feels so heavy! It was challenging to find a meaning that didn’t.
However, if we break the word down into its parts, we have the prefix “de” and “struction.”
De means to do the opposite of, reverse of, remove or remove from. Struction is related to structure or something built, assembled, or having completed construction.
Now, with this neutral definition, we can see why reversing or removing (letting go) of certain aspects or the whole of what we’ve created in our life is essential.
Letting go creates space
When we want to experience something new in our lives, we have to create space for it.
Space is created by releasing what is no longer in resonance or supportive of the new experience we want to have.
Although it can be difficult to accept, the reality is not everything and everyone is meant to move with us on our life journey. The idiom “there’s a time and place for all things,” speaks to this reality.
Not everything that is currently in our life is suitable for the seasons and cycles we want to experience or move towards. And honestly, that’s not a bad thing either.
I want you to think back to who and where you were 5 years ago.
Aren’t there situations that come to mind that you’re beyond grateful are in the past?
How about the places you spent time in, do they still resonate with who you are today?
How about the people who are no longer in your life… upon reflecting, can you see now how they weren’t truly supportive?
When you contemplate it, you can see that it’s the progression of change that life affords us and the process of letting go that created the space for where you are right now.
Letting go liberates you!
We can get overly attached to the circumstances, patterns, situations, and relationships we’ve created in our lives. It’s understandable… not only are we socialized in this way, but we often invest a lot of time, energy, and effort into our creations.
Since we put so much of ourselves into our creations, we want them to last forever.
As much as we want things to stay the same, many of our creations are going to run their course, stop serving and feel out of resonance as we continue on our journey. This is what up-leveling and shifting our vibrational state is all about.
Learning to embrace the process of letting go frees us from circumstances and energetic patterns that bind us in ways that are unproductive and stump our growth.
The freedom that comes when you’re willing to let go, will afford you opportunities to seek out what your heart desires and move in new ways!
→ Related Read: Healing is a Journey
Letting go can provide a needed pause to reset
There are times in life when we get so lost in the busyness of life and all the expectations that we and others place upon us, that we completely lose ourselves.
As a collective, we’ve created a world in which our worth is based on successes, accomplishments, and possessions. Sometimes, we don’t even know who we are without all the titles and labels that come with these circumstances.
Even when we know, we may still struggle with standing in our truth and allow ourselves to be easily swayed by the expectations of others.
Sometimes, letting go and walking away creates the pause needed to get centered and reset. This is especially true and much needed when we realize we’re out of alignment or feel stuck and unfulfilled.
Letting go is hard but necessary!
I know from experience that letting go can be hard. What you’re currently experiencing is your comfort zone.
Letting go is scary, but what I’ve come to realize is that on the other side of the fear and discomfort, always lies the magic!
May you give yourself permission to let go of the things that no longer serve! It truly is one of the most liberating gifts you can give yourself!
Let it go, let it go or you’ll never know!

Migdalia Rodriguez
Guest Blogger
Migdalia Rodriguez is an energy and intuitive healing practitioner dedicated to supporting individuals in discovering their soul’s essence thereby claiming their power. Through her healing offerings, you will come to see yourself as the Divine energy being you are and develop the capacity to discern what’s in alignment and what needs to be released. She’s passionate about supporting others on their journey.

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